|Chapter Twelve| Public Eye

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|Kyle's P.O.V. (things about to get WILD) ; 11:53 A.M. ; South Park High|

"Come on, this way!" I call to Stan. He sighed. I made him close his eyes. "Okay, but I swear if Cartman isn't in a Britny Spears and isn't singing the theme song to My Little Pony, I will no longer trust you." We laughed.

I shook my head. "Sorry, but I know you love me!~" I teased. "How did you know my only weakness?" Stan asked being over-dramatic. 

"Okay, so if I'm not going to see Cartman embarrass himself, what am I gonna see?" He asked, his eyes still closed. "Don't worry, I was only partly lying. I got the whole thing on camera. Don't thank me, thank Butters!"

Mental note; Show Stan that video.

I pulled him to "the spot". "You can open your eyes now," I said. Stan looked around for a second.

"What am I supposed to be looking at?" He questioned. Is he blind? "Dude, can you see?"

He looked at me confused. "What? Look, if you wanted to make out you could just ask! It's not like I would say no." 

My whole face turned red. "W-what!? N-no! I-if I wanted to kiss you I would!  Besides, that's not the thing I wanted to do!" I punched his shoulder. "Look!"

I forced him to look at the school wall. "Whoa! Who did that!? I know it wasn't you, you can't draw shit!" 

"Thanks, Stan..." I said sarcastically. "And it's not like I would know."

He stared into the painting like it was trying to tell him something. "Dude... This is fucking awesome! We need to find who did this! This is real art right here!"

I rolled my eyes at him. "Thanks for the lesson, Devechi." Apparently, I'm being very sarcastic today. "I can't tell if you want to snitch or congratulate them. I really can't tell."

"We have to show people!" 

"You really love this art piece, don't you?" 

Stan took my hand. "Not as much as I love you," I squeezed his hand. "You stupid Jew." He finished.

I let go. "Aww, I'm sorry Kyle! I was just joking!" He pleaded. "Nope, you ruined it." I still love him no matter what.

(Sorry, I needed some Style ^^;)

|Kenny's P.O.V ; 11:59 A.M. ; South Park High|

Whispers were being exchanged. Stan and Kyle joined us in the cafeteria after leaving and had told everyone about a "painting". A few people like Craig, Tweek, Jimmy, Clyde, Token, etc. decided to check it out. I was starting to worry that Butters would be scared or nervous, but he was surprisingly calm. I guess I was more shaken then he was.

"So, you want to go to see our work?" I asked quietly so no one else could hear. "Yeah, feller! D-do you?" I slung my arm around his shoulder. "Of course I do."

I'm not sure why, but I'm beginning to be a lot more comfortable with him.  Just got a nice aura, you know? Sometimes I think like a hippy just to piss off Fatass later.

Our chat didn't last long. Annie, a girl in my math class, pulled lightly on my sleeve. "H-hey..." She said. Butters stopped and tilted his head in confusion. Like a lost puppy. 

"Give me a sec angel." I pat his head. He turned a light red and nodded. Butters walked away, but I really just wanted him to stay. I don't care what this girl had to say to me. I just wanted it to be quick.

"So?" I asked. "S-so." 

"You're the one who wanted to talk to me, right?" 

"O-oh, right. I um... I-I j-just wanted to ask s-s-something..."  Annie stuttered. "Shoot."

She reminded me of Tweek. The difference between the two is that Tweek spoke directly, and mostly, with panic. "W-will you g-go out with m-me?!" Her voice shook, and she closed her eyes tightly.

"Sure I guess." I shrugged. I try to give everyone a chance, despite my feeling for a certain blonde. All and all, she was nice to everyone in the class and was fairly good at cheering people up. Nice tits didn't hurt one bit either. The female version of my best friend.

She hugged me tightly. I just hugged back, not really feeling anything. Then again, that's usually the drill. "Got to go. Ya know, I can't leave my friend." Annie nodded and let go. 

I sighed and caught up to Buttercup. "So what did she want?"  He asked. I bent down and kissed his forehead. "What they all want." I winked at my angel. 

"Hey, Kenny?"


He rubbed his knuckles together. "I was just gonna say, I really like spending time with you, and w-we should do that again sometime." He pointed to the crowd of people gathering at the drawing we did.

"I'd like that."

I wrapped my arm around his shoulder. "What do you want it to be about?" I asked. "We should do a dragon!" Buttercup said enthusiastically. "Then we'd better start practicing. Bye Butterball, see you later!"

"B-bye Ken!" He yelled back.

I'm enjoying being close to Butters.

|Butters's P.O.V. ; 5:27 P.M. ; The Scotch House-Hold|

"Lu-lu-lu..." I hummed. I had been sketching dragons in my notebook for about 30 minutes and wasn't getting any better at it. Professor Chaos will destroy all paper...

Mom was painting the house a new color. It was teal green and would have to be used with multiple layers to get rid of the red under it. A knock was heard and mom ignored it. I've come to the conclusion mom is crazy in the head, but I still love her anyway. 

I opened the door to see Cartman hunched over and panting. "What do you was feller?" 

"D-do you -wheeze- have any more of that -pant- 'happy juice'?" Eric asked clutching his side. 

"W-why? Is your happiness filling all gone?" I questioned.

He shook his head no. "I j-just need it..." Ignoring my instincts not to trust Cartman, I let him inside. He immediately sat on the couch and all my drawings. "Should I get it for you or-"

"Yes, that would be nice." He interrupted. Cartman turned on the TV and mysteriously pulled a bag of Cheezy Poofs from his pocket. "Magic is real..." I mumbled before getting the small jars.

Eric took them from me once I came back down. "Ah, yes... This will be enough... I thank you for your services, Butters." And with that, he left.

Sorry, this chapter was bad, I just wanted to include Style and give Cartman an "opportunity" as you might say. Also, Kenny being with Annie is important.

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