|Chapter Eleven| Apologizes And Vandalism

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|Kenny's P.O.V. ; 3:27 P.M. ; Behind South Park High|

I hated myself in moments like these. I had chickened out at Buttercup's house! All I was doing was apologizing. Right?

No. I had come here and set this whole thing up, and I wasn't going to be a pussy this time. I had a bag full of spray paint cans that cost most of my life savings, and I was going to use them! I should have thought it through a bit more, considering how I'd never used one of these things in my life...

The whole day I was a nervous wreck. Me! Kenny "McWhoreDick" was nervous about Butters, the kid who sits on the toilet backward! I'm not a stalker, he just told everyone when Clyde tried to sue the creator of the toilet. Who was dead. 

"He's late," I say checking my watch every few seconds as if that would make time go faster. "School gets out at 3:05, what's taking him so long?" I know he doesn't have detention because Craig would have told us. It's just something he doses. He's weird to even for my standards. 

In the distance, I spot a blonde mop of hair that was definitely Butters. I whistled to get his attention then waved. He ran over to me and hunched over trying to catch his breath. 

"Forgot, -wheeze- jumped out window of bus, -cough- dogs," He puffed out. I had to shut him up for a second before his lungs could implode.

"Shh, I got you. You don't need to explain yourself, just take deep breaths..." I say in the calmest voice I can manage, but he said he jumped out of a bus! For me! Okay, so maybe not for me, but to meet with me.

I smiled and blushed a deep red that was partly covered by my hood. Buttercup ended up throwing up his lunch in the bushes which did not make me feel better. How the hell did I manage to get him so attached to me? I wasn't anything that special.

"S-so, -pant- w-what did you want to -wheeze- tell me...?" He asked wiping his mouth and smiling. I could look at his puke covered face forever.   

But of course, I chickened out. Partly. "I just want to say I'm sorry and make it up to you..." I looked at the ground ashamed. "Y-you just seem like you have a lot of stress, with the Professor Choas thing, and the 'incident', I wanted to help." None of that was a lie, but it wasn't the whole truth.

Butters hugged me for a few seconds and pulled away. "So what are going to do fella?" He asked with that dopy face of his. I don't know how we became such good friends. I don't deserve him.

I grabbed the duffle bag at my feet and unzipped it. He looked panicked, but I assured him that nobody would catch us, and the school wouldn't care. I grabbed a red can and shook it so the paint would mix. "You going to join me or not?" I teased him.

He rubbed his knuckles together. "Well, I don't know Ken... I just think that we'd get into a whole lot of trouble..."

I laughed a little bit. "Not if we don't sign our names. And besides," I sprayed a large cartoon heart shape in the middle of the wall. "This is for stress relief. If we get caught, I'll take the fall. Now, you gonna help?"

Butters grabbed a black can and did the same but drew folded demon wings on the side. He laughed in glee and took a gray can to color the insides of the wings. "Now you're getting it!"

We kept adding onto the heart until we were both satisfied. The turn out was a heart with folded wings on the sides, laced with red. It had bandages on the top and a mouth that looked like it had been carved into the heart. In the background, a halo with spikes.

I grabbed a sponge out of the bag. "If you want to get rid of it, we can," I suggested not wanting Butterscotch to freak out the next day. "No," He said taking the sponge from my hand. "I like it."

His smile that day was the brightest damn smile I'd ever seen from him. "You sure?" I asked. "Yeah... I don't want to forget this moment. This really helped feller." He said standing back to look at our work. 

To be honest, I think it was the best art piece I'd ever done. Buttercup did most of the shading making the whole drawing pop. I rustled his hair accidentally getting paint in his golden locks.

"That is not going to come out easy..."

Buttercup just laughed. "It doesn't matter." He grabbed a yellow can and sprayed into his hair. He coughed from the fumes.

"Why would you do that!?" I yell-asked. "I don't know!" "Then why did you do it!?"

"I don't know!"

| - { TIMESKIP } - |

I had to get Butters home with a bright yellow seeping into his scalp. He had said it started to burn so I gave him my parka to scream in. It muffles everything you say. And because we look about the same no one would notice until they were really close.

We rushed to his house and ran into the bathroom. I put his head under the fosset on the sink and washed out the paint that was still wet. Butters stopped crying and said that the pain went down. We ended up washing his hair very therowly with shampoo and soap. Most of it got out, washing away that ugly yellow color, to bring back Butters natural color.

It was much prettier than the spray can paint. "Do you regret it now?" I asked while he was drying himself off with a towel. "Nope!" He laughed. Good. I love the kid, but I didn't want for all of that to be for nothing.

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