Chapter 20: January 16

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"Two-thirty, Bella."

"Mm," she nodded dismissively, disregarding Jon at her side, and reached out to the board, taking a black token in her hand.

Jon cleared his throat. "It'll just be three of us, so I don't think you'll be able to invite anyone else this time—"

She pinched her chin between her fingers, finding leverage for her arm against her knee.

Without a word, Ace replaced her token closer, completing an unfinished pass, and offered his second piece to her to take.


"You're learning," he reminded her, dropping the chip into her waiting palm.

"I'd appreciate if you two actually paused for a second," Jon chided from their side, crossing his arms.

Charlotte's eyes lifted from the magazine, just cresting its edge, before returning to hiding. "Well, she's not running off anywhere," she remarked, nose-deep.

"Guess she's goin' regardless," Ace pitched in, nudging along a white piece of his own.

Bella, only paying Ace her mind, swiveled to Jon, glowing: "Can everyone come?"

"A question you'd have an answer to if you actually listened," he sighed, pinching his nose.

"Well, you didn't seem so sure," Charlotte noted, flipping a page beneath her thumb.

"You asked for me last time," Bella whined, slouching, and returned to the board, dangling a black chip from her fingers with a pout.

"And I got chewed out for it, too," Jon replied, returning his hands to his pockets. "In times like these, they want to be careful..." He frowned. "Not that it should matter now; such a load of—"

"It's a wonder she's here with us, then," Charlotte remarked, "if everyone's that paranoid."

"Don't let anyone hear you say that."

"Yes, honey."

"Don't let Scarlet hear you say that, either..."

Charlotte aired out her magazine, grinning. "Never thought her the type..."

"She's not..."

With a click, Bella set her piece in place.

Ace offered a nod, grabbing for the final chip, and tossed it Bella's way; she jumped back with a jolt, catching it between her palms. Recovering from the start, she opened her hands gracefully to her face to reveal his final white token, inspecting the surface.

Ace cleared his throat. "You won."

Her head whipped up. "Really?"

"Fair and square." A smirk pinched his cheek. "Fresh outta pieces."

"And we're fresh out of time," Jon tacked on, extending his hand to Bella.

Groaning, she hung her head, scowling, and slid off the far end of Ace's cot, landing with a patter onto the laminate. She smoothed out her crinkled gown, steadying herself, and lifted her chin, staring Jon down from behind a scrunched nose.

"How long will it take?" She nosed. "Can we come back after?"

"Not my decision," he reminded her, turning on his heel to the door with an outstretched hand. The metal latch gave a click, and he turned over his shoulder to meet her beneath him, holding open the door with a wink. "Chances are you actually behaving might make something happen."

With a snort, Bella crossed his frame, slithering by through the door. "You're just saying that..."

"You might have better chances if you can walk yourself next door," he called out, meeting the nurse's station.

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