Chapter 32: January 30

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Across the counter, he deposited a mug of water into Sheep's waiting hands, steam licking at her awed face. She took the string of her tea bag into one finger, scraping the tag against her finger.

"Let it be."

"Mm," she obeyed, dropping her hand to one side as if scolded.

"No, it's..."

She only waited, passive and quizzical. He could sense it in the muscles along his shoulders, the ache in his jaw as he unwound himself from what he'd accepted as his new normal, forcing a sigh through his whole body.

"I'm not mad."

Her eyes tremored, inspected him in whatever way she could. With some remarkable courage, she returned her hands to the mug, pinching the string. She mimicked him, following the same motions of bobbing the bag with more excitement than he was sure a cup of tea warranted.

Behind her, April materialized, filling the wide kitchen entry entirely with her own presence. Unhindered, she breezed past them both at the counter without a second glance, sights set on the fridge.

Ace returned to Sheep, offering a drowsy huff. "No honey?"

Blinking, she returned the mug to the counter without hesitation and pivoted, lifting her hands to the cupboard behind her. The bottle emerged, crusted cap and all, and he observed her blonde brow descend over her eyes in a fraction of a second, calculating how she might nudge the honey down into the cap. Between both hands, she shook it vigorously—the most movement he'd ever seen her make.

The refrigerator door slammed shut behind him, April's presence gracing him from behind. The patter of her socked feet betrayed her quiet approach.

"Smells good," she hummed, leaning in.

Sheep didn't pay her any mind, observing a sizable glob of honey descend into her drink with surgical focus.

Ace anticipated offering another mug, turning to his side to spot her, but reconsidered; April's kitchen errands were fulfilled by the frappuccino bottle pinched in her grip. She hovered inches from his shoulder, unaware.

He reached forward for the drawer, needing no warning to prompt Sheep to clear the way. "'S almost nine," he lectured.

April's eyes fell on him, quickly obscured by the knotting of her brow. "Okay...?"

The silverware drawer rattled closed, and Ace emerged with a spoon, held out at Sheep's nose. Extending the offering, he returned to April. "You're having coffee now?"

Her whine communicated confusion over agitation: "Tea's caffeinated—"

"It's just herbal tea," he corrected her.

April turned back, an expression closer to neutral than any, and watched; with the mug cradled in both hands, Sheep blew hollow, noisy gusts over her drink, oblivious to them both.


"Herbal tea's not caffeinated, April."


Finally taking notice, Sheep plucked the spoon from Ace's waiting hand, a careful motion nearly undetected. Curiosity brought her back to them, echoed words finally reshaping her puckered lips: "Tea."

"I thought it was caffeinated," April admitted, her befuddled neutrality replaced with the relief of a smile. She shifted her weight, mindlessly unscrewing the cap of her bottle as she ogled Sheep.

Sheep locked eyes, flickering instantly over her own drink. Despite April's preoccupation with her bottle, Sheep offered up her tea and spoon with outstretched arms, saying nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2021 ⏰

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