This is War!

Depuis le début

"What's going on?" Alpha Wild asked walking up to them. He was the Alpha who let us on his land and is helping us defeat Walker.

"Walker knows we're coming" Boss said.

"What!?" Alpha Man said joining in. He was the other alpha helping us both packs were relatively small but their help was vital to the plan.

"What do we do?" Wild asked.

"Nothing we proceed as planned Walker I can almost guarantee doesn't know our numbers nor when we'll attack" Boss explained.

"I'm pulling out" Man said.

"What? You agreed!" Boss argued.

"I don't want to get killed!" Man said.

"Coward we had a deal" Boss said.

"Fine I will leave the men I said I'd lend to you but I'm going back that way I'm not breaking the agreement" Man said.

"Fine" Boss said as Man walked away.

Mark, Boss, and Alpha Wild left and I went back to sleep.

Bellanie's P.O.V:

I kicked one of the men that was blocking the door where the sun doesn't shine but the other one grabbed me lifting me up pinning my hands behind my head.

"Enough Beta Micheal asked us to keep you safe" He said.

"I don't care it's Evan and I want to help" I said kicking him in the shin which didn't even make him flinch.

"Let her go" A soft female voice said.

"But Luna Josie"

"I said let her go"

The guard hesitated but then let me go.

"Thank you Josie"

"Come with me Bell" Josie said.

I followed her out the door. "Where are we going?"

"You want to help Evan yes?"

"Of course!"

"Then that's where we're going"

"Really! Thank you!" I said running up to give her a hug.

She laughed "Okay calm down Micheal and Ian are probably going to kill us for doing this but I'm not going to sit back while the girl that is supposed to be Luna is in danger"

As we're running through the forest I trip.

"Bell are you alright?" Josie asks.

"Yeah I'm sorry"

"Excuse me! Could you please get off of me!" I hear a cute little voice yell out.

I get up "oh I'm...sorry?" I look around but I don't see anyone.

"Thank you for moving" I heard the voice again.

I look down and there's a cute little gray bunny with little white spots.

"You're welcome?"

"Are you a witch!?" The little bunny asks.


"Bell who are you talking to?" Josie asked.

"The bunny" I say

"Can you give me name?"


"So I can be your familiar! If that's okay?" The bunny asked shyly.

"Why are you wasting time talking to a bunny?" Josie asked.

The Wolf and The WitchOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant