'Is it?' He pushed her backward gently.

'Yes. What'd you offer her this time?'

'It's amusing to watch them drool over me when I only have eyes for you.'


'The way my name leaves your mouth.'


She slapped his chest before gasping as her back hit the cool metal pole of the lifeguard chair, her eyes meeting his as she cast them upward. He kissed her lips, leaving a trail of burning kisses down her jaw until he reached her ear. 

'I don't think I can wait until after dinner to have you,' He whispered huskily in her ear.

'Well, you better show up looking like you are or Hopper with have a stroke,' She smiled; 'Then you can have me any way you want.'

'Any way?'

'I'm all yours.'

He groaned softly, kissing her hard; holding her hips close to his. She gasped as how hard her was before she smiled deviously, bringing a hand down to cup his member through his pants. He stopped kissing her, moaning softly as he leant her forehead against her own. 

'Hey, you know there are kids around,' A woman shouted.

In unison, the couple raised the middle finger in the direction the voice came from. They smiled into the next kiss they shared, doing just to spite those watching. She licked her bottom lip as she pulled away, holding his blue eyes. 

'Tonight,' She whispered; 'For now, I need to cool off.'

'I love you,' He muttered. 

'I love you, too.'

She smiled softly as he let her go, sauntering past him to dive into the pool; winking at him as she rose to the surface, fixing her glasses.


Eden looked over herself in the mirror, eyes raking over her denim high waisted shorts and cropped black shirt; Billy's denim jacket over the top and her high tops on her feet. She fluffed her hair, groaning when her eyes landing on the couple kissing on her bed. 

'Will you two give it a rest? You're worse then me and Billy,' She teased. 

The couple moved apart quickly, looking to her with wide eyes. 

'What do you think?' She asked. 

'Bitchin,' Eleven grinned. 


She pulled the door open to come face to face with Hopper, jumping as she let out a squeak. 

'Jesus, Dad,' She panted. 

'Uh, sorry,' Hopper rubbed his brow. 

'You ok?'

'Yeh, yeh. Are you going out?'

'Billy's picking me up, should be here in a few.'

'Ok. Can we talk before hand?'

'Yeh, course.'

'Good... Good. I'm gonna talk to them first, then I'll come back.'


She chuckled softly as he entered the bedroom, heading the kitchen to look for something to eat. She lit a cigarette between her lips, listening to the silence in the next room. She shook her head, moving to sit out on the front veranda; letting them have some privacy. She leant against the railing, breathing in the smoke; holding it in her lungs for a second. 

Smoke Clouds || Billy Hargrove { 1 }Where stories live. Discover now