Chapter 12

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How to Hear the Voice of GOD”

by Donna McDonald

End Times Prophecy Conference Presentation

“How to Hear the Voice of GOD” given by Donna McDonald:

June 8, 2013

My dear friends, my old friends and my new friends:

These words were dictated to me from the LORD. You see, I am not a public speaker, I am a servant. The LORD speaks and I am to obey. First of all I want to repent of my sins before a HOLY GOD, I cast out the enemy and send him to hell under the precious Name of YAHUSHUA, I cover this room, myself, and all the attendees with the precious blood of YAHUSHUA. I protect this area under the Holy Name of the LORD.

I pray to the LORD and I give HIM myself, I give HIM my arms, my legs, my body, my heart, my mind, my spirit. I give HIM everything. I tell HIM I want all of HIM and want to go deeper with HIM. Well, if you give HIM all of yourself and tell HIM you want more of HIM-all of HIM, something is going to happen. I received the gift of hearing HIS Voice almost two years ago. HE has revealed amazing things to me ever since.

I want to tell you how I received this letter from the LORD. I was in the car with my kids in the back seat and my husband driving and we were going down the highway at 65 mph on the way to Florida. My son, Austin, set up my computer so it would act as a word processor. I said to the LORD that I was ready to hear a message from the HOLY SPIRIT about what I should say at the conference. HE spoke these words to me to share with you. I typed as I heard HIM speak. My family can attest to this. I read them the words as soon as I was finished typing them.

This is what HE wants to say to you. I have prayed and received these words and HE is speaking these words prophetically to you:

I created the stars in the sky and the sand on the beaches. I created birds and butterflies and leaves and trees. I have created mountains and oceans and lakes and paths and streams. I have created everything beautiful for you to enjoy. I created it all for you, MY children, to enjoy while you are firmly planted on this earth. I have also created the heavens for you to enjoy. All of you have had your feet firmly planted on this earth but not all of MY creation will see heaven.

They will stand at the gates of heaven and will meet ME Eye to eye some day, one day, but not all will hear, "Well done good and faithful servant." Only those who give ME their all will hear those Words. Only those who put aside ALL of their own hopes, plans, and dreams will ever see MY Home, the one MY FATHER created for ME and the one I have created for you. Only those children whoplace ME first in their lives will ever see ME Face to face and will enter heaven where I have created great places for you to enjoy.

It is not enough that you go to church, drive your mother to the store, read MY Bible occasionally or call out to ME in your time of need. No one's religion or their church traditions or their statues or idols ever saved them, nor their rote prayers. I want MY children to call out to ME everyday in prayer. I want MY children to look on ME as their BEST FRIEND, to treat ME like I am the BEST THING that 2. Quiet yourself and listen to what I have to say to you.

3. Focus on ME. Picture yourself sitting on a park bench or pleasant location looking at ME and conversing with ME. The picture MY daughter, Akiane, drew is the most correct picture of ME ever known on the earth. Look up MY picture on the internet so you will know WHO you are talking to.

4. Pray and ask for forgiveness of your sins before a HOLY GOD. Ask ME if there is anything I want to say to you. Then clear your mind and just listen for ME to speak.

5. I am a gentleman. I am a Patient and Humble GOD. I have needs and I have desires and I desire to be number ONE in your life. Mostpeople do not think that I have needs, because I am their GOD, but I do have needs and I created you to meet MY needs.

6. I have a need for love and affection. I have a need to be given attention. I have a need for praise and worship and I have a need to hear YOUR VOICE. You want to hear MY VOICE: well, I want to hear YOUR VOICE as well.

When you submit to ME, quiet yourself, pray and repent and listen.

You will hear MY Voice. I may not speak where you can listen right away, but I will eventually. Keep talking and listening and I will eventually respond to you. I respond verbally with a Still, Small Voice and also I respond by showing MYSELF to you. I show MYSELF everytime you hear a baby cry, or see a majestic mountain, or a perfectly blue sky, a rainbow, a sunny sky peeking through the clouds, a field full of wildflowers or a doe and her fawn by the side of the road. I share these beautiful creations for all to see. No one can say they never knew there was a GOD. Even those deep in the rainforests of Africa can say they have seen their GOD in the beauty of created nature.

Pursue ME as your only hope, for I AM YOUR ONLY HOPE in this dark, dark world. Every moment the world is getting darker and is spiraling down. Only those who pursue ME one hundred percent and give ME their entire life and all their hopes, plans, and dreams will make it off this planet alive and well. Do not be those unwise children who choose darkness by not giving ME their one hundred percent. The world is getting more and more evil. The antichrist spirit is rising up as WE speak and breathe here. Choose for ME and Choose for Life: for I Am the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE.

No one comes to the FATHER except through ME.

The end, daughter: signed, sealed and delivered with a kiss.

Donna McDonald 5/21/13

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