Chapter 7

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The Only Position Of Safety And Well-Being Is In The Center Of God’s Will

Tue, 19 Mar 2013

The LORD’s Words:

“This Is The Only Position Of Safety And Well-Being: In The Center Of The Will Of GOD.”


LOVE is the greatest WMD: weapon of mass destruction against evil.

LOVE will ultimately annihilate evil.

CHRIST gives grace and mercy freely to those who repent of their sin and surrender their all to HIM. But we are slow to give others this same grace and mercy ourselves. GOD forgives our sins and remembers them no more to our great relief, once we repent and claim the Gift of HIS Blood Ransom paid for us.

We, in turn, are either slow or never forgive others. CHRIST does not hold grudges and throw our old sin up in our faces. It is satan who reminds us of our old forgiven sin, not GOD. We also can’t let go of the old sin of others the way we want GOD to forget our ugly pasts.

When we really forgive others and extend to them grace and mercy, unmerited favor—we move them into a place toward understanding CHRIST’s Love, freedom from sin, and the pursuit of Truth against the world’s ways. We are simultaneously freed from our sinful mindset of unforgiveness, receive the mind of CHRIST, and ultimately the salvation of our own souls.

Make the first move to mend your broken fences. Pursue “forgiving” granting grace and mercy to everyone in your past who has hurt you —whether living or passed away. When I was just a young girl, a close family member was unkind to me and I grew to dislike this person because I was young and hurt. I was so hurt in my heart by this person that I did not even attend their funeral. But when I began to pursue GOD and the views of GOD, I realized I had some unfinished business regarding this individual.

I was alone in my car talking to GOD and I called out to the LORD regarding my sadness over my long-held unforgiveness and hurt. I told the LORD, I could not talk to this person now, but I wanted to forgive them through the LORD. I felt that there was a great burden and barrier between GOD and me that had been lifted at that moment.

Reach for the handle marked “Grace—Mercy—Forgiveness” for all those around you. Release others and yourself to become closer to the LORD.

Yes, it is a narrow way…

Susan Davis

Matthew 18:21-22, 21Then came Peter to HIM, and said, LORD, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Till seven times? 22JESUS saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.


Words of the LORD:

The Lust For The World Is A Distraction The Enemy Has Carefully Plotted Against The People.”

(Words Received from Our LORD by Susan, March 11, 2013)

Yes, I have Words for the children:

Children, this is your GOD. I have made you in MY Image. I have forged you from MY Heart. You were made to be in MY Image to be like your GOD, to have MY Characteristics. You have chosen rather to be rebellious, to run far from your GOD. You have blinders on.

You are blind guides leading the blind.

I am coming soon for a bride who has made herself ready for ME, her HUSBAND. She must be ready or I cannot take her. Her desire must be for ME—only ME and not for this world. As long as she pursues the world, she is lost, but when she turns back to ME with all her heart, soul, mind, and strength—all these things will be added unto her. I will give all the things she needs to be cared for.

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