Chapter 16: Touché

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          After eating breakfast, Valery went up to get ready for the day. She took a shower and did her daily routine. She put on a pair of high waisted jeans and a pale pink sweater. Valery glanced at the mirror and couldn't help but notice a large bruise upon her face. It made her wince and look quickly away. She put on a pair of black boots and slowly went down the stairs. She was still sore and careful not to cause herself anymore pain that she had.

"Want to watch some movies?" Henry suggested, casually leaning back on the couch.

"Sure." Valery warmly smiled, gently sitting on the couch trying to not to ache by her bruises.

"What movie?" Henry questioned. Turning his head towards Valery. She couldn't help but be absorbed into his brown eyes. A few moments later Henry raised his eyebrows and she realized that she didn't answer him.

"You can pick." Valery answered, propping her feet on Henry's lap. She averted her eyes from Henry's trying to figure out why she did that.

"50 shades of-" Henry smirked, waiting for Valery's reaction.

"Henry, no!" Valery gasped, a deep color of red covering her face. She slapped his shoulder

"Why not?" Henry cheekily asked. His eyes twinkled in amusement. He clutched his shoulder but you could tell that it hadn't caused him any pain. Maybe just startled him.

"You know why." Valery murmured, trying to avoid any embarrassment. Henry laughed and so did Valery. Henry decided on a movie and Valery nuzzled into the couch. The movie started and Henry jumped up like he forgot something.

"Where are you going?" Valery asked, slightly adjusting herself since her legs fell off the couch. He was walking towards the kitchen in a hurry.

"To make popcorn." Henry stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"But the movie just started." Valery pointed out, glancing at the tv.

"You can't watch a movie without popcorn." Henry reasoned, shrugging. He pulled out the popcorn and put it in the microwave.

"Touché." Valery agreed. She couldn't argue anymore because the smell of the buttery goodness flooded her nose. Her eyes closed in peace, only to jolt open when the timer went off.

"Smells good. That was a good idea you had. I'm starving." Valery happily said, smiling when Henry walked back to the couch with the popcorn.

"Nope, this is mine. Get your own." Henry childishly responded, smiling like a little kid.

"But Henry." Valery pouted. Henry shook his head, taking a large handful of popcorn and chowing it down.

"Fine, I will." Valery smirked. She stuck out her hand and made the cabinet blast open and the popcorn bag fly out of it and levitate. Then she made the microwave open and the bag go into it. She turned it on and set the timer. She smiled triumphantly and turned to Henry. 

"Why didn't you do that for me?!" Henry pouted. His jaw was hanging open.

"You didn't ask." Valery teased back. They watched the movie and Henry had to head home for reasons that Valery didn't know. She assumed it had something to do with his mom wanting him to be home, but she couldn't be sure. She was in too much pain to go back up to her own bed so she took a nap on the couch.

She was awoken by the constant ringing of the doorbell and Valery groaned. She hurried as fast as she could to the door to find out who was ringing the doorbell this obnoxiously.

"Charlotte?" Valery questioned, opening the door to reveal her. She looked out of breath and put a hand on her stomach.

"Are you okay?" Valery asked, laughing. Charlotte nodded her head and smiled. Her panting slowed down and she was finally able to talk.

"I have urgent news." She said strictly, straightening up. Valery lifted an eyebrow.

"Which is?" Valery asked. Charlotte shifted from foot to foot.

"So I was at the mall, you know getting some presents for the holidays that's coming up. But no, I'm not gonna tell you what I got you. It's a great gift though. I kinda wish that I got it for myself but I was raised not to be greedy. But I will tell you that I got Jasper this really cool bucket that he's been talking about for months. It's made out of pennies. Don't know why he's so fascinated by it but-" Charlotte rambled and Valery interrupted her.

"Charlotte, get to the point." Valery bluntly said.

"This all plays a part in the news. Then I was really hungry from all the walking so I went to this burger place." Charlotte explained.

"Bingo's Burgers?" Valery questioned. Charlotte nodded her head.

"I ordered this mouth watering burger that I didn't even get to eat because I looked over and saw Henry." Charlotte pouted.

"Why would seeing Henry make you not be able to finish your lunch?" Valery asked, leaning against the door.

"Because he wasn't alone. He was with Bianca." Charlotte answered. Valery raised her eyebrows in shock and Charlotte continued.

"Valery, they're back together." Charlotte softly said. Valery's heart dropped and she took a few steps back in disbelief.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2020 ⏰

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