Chapter 15: Wing it

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          "First order of business, is recruiting me to be the superhero and you guys to the sidekicks." Valery said. Rays face dropped from his normal goofy smile. Henry laughed quietly. "First order of business is to get your ego turned down." Henry said. Valery's jaw hung on the floor as Ray and Henry high fived. "You need training Valery. We don't know what your powers are capable of." Ray replied. Valery scoffed,
"Yeah, I've already been through training."
          "When you only had your wings." Ray responded. "What? Am I too unpredictable for you?" Valery asked. "Yeah, you are." Henry answered.
Charlotte hit him in the side. "Don't be so blunt!" Charlotte whispered. "Lets consider this, Valery. When you got angry, you blasted your own brother across the room, almost killed your father, and started chaos due to the heat of the moment." Charlotte explained. "I'm pretty sure if your dad was threatening to hurt everyone you care about, escaped jail, almost killed you and your friend previously, and said that you could bring my own dead mother back from the dead, you would be mad too." Valery said, walking away angrily to the kitchen. She opened the fridge and a can of soda flew out and hit Henry in the face.
Henry fell backwards and Valery covered her face in shock. "See, unpredictable!" Henry groaned. "I'm so sorry!" Valery exclaimed, helping Henry up. A black eye was forming. "We need to ice it." Valery said, touching the black eye. Henry winced and Valery apologized. Valery helped Henry ice it and they continued with their conversation. "What do you suppose would help me become less unpredictable?" Valery asked. "Finding out your full capabilities." Aunt Olivia said. "Why can't I just wing it?" Valery asked. Then, she laughed. "Wing it." Valery said. "Get it? I have wings, and I'm winging it?" Valery humorously asked. "Yeah, I get it." Aunt Olivia said, no one laughed.

          After Charlotte left, it was only Valery, Aunt Olivia, Ray, and Henry in the house. Valery tried to sit still with everyone while they watched tv, but something was off. She felt a queasiness in her stomach. She held her stomach until Henry spoke up, "What's wrong Val?" Valery stood up and ran to the toilet, allowing herself to puke. She was shaking violently and her skin was on fire. She couldn't control herself, something was off. Massive bruises appeared on her skin, one after another.
            Henry popped up behind her, comforting her.
"Something's wrong." Valery sobbed. She cried into Henry's shoulder still shaking. "It's okay." Henry comforted. Her eyes felt heavy, and she felt drained of energy. She drifted off to some sort of sleep.

Henry was comforting Valery, until she stopped shaking. "Val?" Henry whispered, looking down to see her eyes shut. Henry lifted Valery up while he was standing up. He was holding her bridal style. Wow, I'm strong. Henry thought to himself. He saw himself in the mirror and smirked. He flexed her muscles, admiring his guns. But, he forgot about Valery and she fell on the floor. "Shoot!" Henry whispered to himself. "Henry?" Ray shouted. Henry lifted Valery back up again. "Another bruise won't hurt." Henry said, looking at Valery. It was almost as though he was talking to her while she was asleep.
Henry walked out to the family room area to find Ray carrying Aunt Olivia in bridal style too. She was dead asleep aswell. "No fair, you got the lighter one." Ray pouted. "I could hear that." Aunt Olivia whispered. "Hey! You're supposed to be asleep!" Ray said. "I am." Aunt Olivia whispered again and drifted back off. "Yeah, and mine smells like puke." Henry said. If you smell like puke or not, I would still carry you. Henry thought to himself, hoping Valery would hear. She smiled in her sleep, but Henry knew she didn't hear him. Henry took another whiff of the puke and gagged. "Never mind." Henry said. He took her off to her bed. "Hey Henry, you can sleep in the guest room." Aunt Olivia said, peeking in from the door frame. "Come on Olivia!" Ray groaned. "I carried you up for nothing!" Ray yelled. "Shhhhh!" Aunt Olivia shushed. "She's sleeping, idiot!" Henry said. Aunt Olivia laughed. "Thank you Olivia." Henry said and walked to the guest room to sleep.
Valery's eyes fluttered open, while breathing lightly. Her heart beat felt slow and her body was sore. She groggily got out of bed, feeling like she had been hit by a truck. She walked down stairs, rubbing her eyes. "Morning." Henry said. He was sitting on the couch. "What are you doing here?" Valery asked. "Gee, thanks. Well, when you got sick, you went right to sleep. Then, Ray and Olivia went out to do errands, so I stayed here." Henry explained. "Oh." Valery said, while walking to the fridge to pour a glass of orange juice. "Whatcha wanna do today?" Henry asked, standing up and sitting at the kitchen table. Valery carried her glass of orange juice to the table that Henry was sitting at. Henry's face was full of confusion.
           "What?" Valery asked. "I thought you were gonna make me food." Henry disappointedly said. "Rude." Valery mumbled, taking Advil with her orange juice. "So, about today. I wanna go to my Uncle Logan's house." Valery said. "Why-Oh." Henry said, knowing the answer to his question before he could finish it. "I feel like there's something off." Valery admitted. "Or you just want to see Lucas." Henry mumbled standing up and walking back to the couch, annoyed. "Real mature, Henry. I'm going wether you want to or not." Valery said, standing up too and following him. "What feels off, huh?" Henry asked, facing Valery. "I don't know Henry!" Valery screamed. "Are you just gonna leave again?!" Henry yelled back. "I don't know!" Valery screamed. "Please, just not today." Henry pleaded, reaching out and putting a hand on her shoulder. "Only if you make me breakfast." Valery smirked, instantly feeling calm. "Cool with me." Henry said, walking off to make breakfast.
After spending an hour making breakfast, Henry served Valery at the table. Valery held her nose. "Smells disgusting!" Valery said. "My food doesn't smell disgusting, it's you. You still smell like puke." Henry smirked. Valery gasped and Henry started laughing.

Sorry it took such a long time for me to update. I had REALLY bad writers block ❤️

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