Chapter 8: An Awful Night

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          Valery watched as Henry drove off. "Come on, let's go get ready!" Valery exclaimed, smiling. Then she grabbed Charolette's wrist. They ran up to her room. "I'm gonna curl my hair." Valery said. Charlotte nodded and opened the bag she was carrying. "I'll do your makeup." Charlotte said, smiling ear to ear.
          Valery finished with curling her hair. It was soft curls and she sprayed a little hairspray, she hated the feeling of crunchy hair. Then Charlotte did her makeup. It was a natural look, light brown eyes, long lashes, a nude pink lip, rosy cheeks, and of course highlight. "Done!" Charlotte exclaimed. Valery tried turning her head to look in the mirror, but Charlotte stopped her. "No looking, not yet." Charlotte then handed Valery her dress. Valery changed in her bathroom, while Charlotte waited outside.
         Valery walked out of her bathroom. Charlotte was in awe. "You look so pretty." Valery walked to the mirror and saw that the dress fit her perfectly and her hair was flowy and beautifully curled. Valery gasped. She turned to Charlotte who was in a red flowy dress. "You look pretty too!" Valery exclaimed, hugging Charlotte. The doorbell rang and Valery grabbed her heels, her silver clutch, and her phone. "Let's go." Valery said, after looking at her phone which read 7.
          Valery was riding in the passengers seat while Charlotte rode in the back. "Is it weird that I feel nervous." Valery said. "Nah." Charlotte and Henry replied. They all talked about their weeks and laughed at random things and before they knew it, they were at the party. It was at Michael's house. "Lucas was right, he does have a huge house." Valery said, stepping out of the car while looking at the mansion in front of her. "Let's go have some fun!" Charlotte exclaimed. Valery and Henry laughed. Valery started to feel more nervous. Henry reached out his hand. "Let's do this." Valery looked at his hand and took it, while they walked to the house booming with music and crowded with people.
As soon as they walked in, Valery was looking for Lucas and Bianca. "Sunshine." Lucas thought. It was too loud to talk over the music. Valery looked around for him. "By the DJ." Lucas thought. Valery then dragged Henry and Charlotte to the Dj. It was quieter since the Dj wasn't right next to the speakers, they were Bluetooth. "Lucas!" Valery exclaimed, hugging him. "This is Alissa." Lucas said. She was short and had short wavy blonde hair. She was wearing a pink dress. Valery waved. "This is Alaya." Lucas said. Alaya was short and had long straight hair. She had glasses and a purple dress on. "This is Michael." Lucas said. Michael was tall and muscular with black hair. Valery waved. "And lastly, Alex." Lucas said. Alex was a little shorter than Michael but was still muscular. He has brown hair and tan skin. Valery waved. "Now, let's go have some fun!" Alissa screamed. Charlotte and Alissa walked away, going to dance. Michael and Alex followed, laughing.
"Want a drink?" Henry asked Valery. "Sure." Valery replied, then Henry went to go get the drink. "So, what's up with you and Henry?" Bianca asked. Valery was shocked that Bianca just appeared out of nowhere. "Wouldn't you like to know?" Valery said, smirking. "Here's your drink." Henry said handing Valery her drink. "Thanks." Valery replied, as Bianca walked away. Valery took a sip. "Henry, dance with me!" Charlotte said, grabbing his elbow. Then Alissa appeared, grabbing Lucas' elbow. "Let's dance." Alissa said. Then there was just Valery laughing. Michael approached her. Valery set her drink down. "You're house is really nice." Valery said. "Thanks." He replied. "My friends are crazy." He said, laughing. Valery looked around, but couldn't see them. She looked back at Michael and laughed. Valery picked up her drink and took a sip, it tasted different but she kept drinking it.
After an hour of talking and dancing, Valery was sitting and talking to Henry on the couch. "And Jasper goes, "Well, I don't think you're even that good looking." And you should have seen Bianca's face." Henry said laughing. Valery laughed too. But then the room started to spin and Valery felt like throwing up. "You okay?" Henry asked. Valery shook her head no. Henry then told Charlotte to meet him outside. Henry helped Valery outside, holding her waist so she could walk. Once they got outside, Lucas and Charlotte approached them. "What's wrong?" Charlotte asked. "I don't feel good." Valery responded. "Someone spiked her drink I'm guessing." Lucas said. Everyone looked at him. "I read her mind, she set down her drink and then looked away and then it tasted funny." Lucas replied. "You can't just read my mind like that!" Valery screamed, pointing at him and almost tipping over. "It was one of your dumb friends, wasn't it?" Henry asked. "They aren't dumb." Lucas replied. "So it was." Valery replied.
"They are better than your friends." Lucas spat. "Don't you dare talk about us like that." Henry said, balling up his fist. Valery backed up from Henry as Lucas stepped closer. "Don't take another step." Henry said. But, Lucas did. Henry then threw a punch at Lucas, hitting him square in the jaw. He stepped backwards. Lucas then grabbed Henry's collar and his face got bright red. Valery could barely hear what they said. Henry pushed him to the ground and started punching him. Her head was spinning. "Please stop!" Valery screamed, stepping towards the fight. She could hear muffled voices and she felt dizzy. Charlotte ran to Valery as she fell towards the ground.

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