Chapter 1: New Powers

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Valery was walking down the road at night but to Valery it was bright as day. Valery walked and walked until she got to a busy highway. A loud crash bursted into Valery's ears. She looked at the busy highway and realized it was a car accident. Valery ran across the highway to help the people still in the cars.
          Valery's heart pounded. Her face heated up from the large fire that had erupted from the cars. She looked into the window and entered a state of shock. It was Ray, her Aunt Olivia, Charlotte, and Henry in the car. Valery banged on the window screaming. She tried with all her strength to break the window. Valery sobbed and screamed until her voice went hoarse.
          She tried opening the car doors but they were locked. She turned around and yelled for help. "Help!" She screamed. Her tears ran down her face, then she saw the flame fully engulf the car. She knew they were dead, they we are all dead.

          Valery woke up, and found Aunt Olivia by her bedside. She looked around the room and her books had fallen off her book case. The room was a mess and there was a look of horror on Aunt Olivia's face.
          "Valery? Did you do this?" Her aunt asked. "Do what?" Valery questioned. "The earthquake. Valery, every time you have a nightmare the house shakes!" Aunt Olivia said. "It's not me." Valery said. "My powers are gone. My wings haven't showed themselves ever since I saved Charlotte." Valery disappointedly said. "I'm sorry, sweetie." Her aunt said, giving her a hug.
          It had been weeks since Valery had last seen her wings. Valery never really knew what she was afraid of until her dad tried to hurt everyone she cared about. She felt torn down. Her dad was evil and her mom was dead.

It was the middle of October and you could sense the feeling of spookiness creeping up on you. Everyone was excited for Halloween, except for one person, Valery. It was the first Halloween that she would spend without her mom and dad. She wouldn't be able to have her parents take a picture of her in her costume. She felt like she was being dramatic, but she still felt hurt.
          Since Valery got woken up by her Aunt, she couldn't fall back asleep knowing that she was spiraling and she couldn't control it. She had painful flashbacks about the terrifying moment with her dad and Charlotte. She also had flashbacks about her "dying." She questioned if she had actually died. It was weeks ago but it felt like yesterday to her.
          She sat on her bed just staring at her wall. Her head was pounding. It had been like this for weeks. Too many thoughts caused massive headaches. Her back felt sore. The pain reminded her of the scars she had. She stood up and walked to the mirror. She lifted up her shirt so she could see her stomach. A scar was on her stomach because of the bullet that went into her stomach and nearly killed her. A constant reminder of chaos.
          She walked to her bathroom and took a shower. She put on a burgundy dress and tall brown boots. She left her hair down and brushed her teeth. She walked downstairs and ate breakfast. Her doorbell rang. Valery opened the door and saw Charlotte. "Hi." Valery said blankly. "What happened Valery? Another nightmare?" Charlotte asked. Valery told everything to Charlotte. She nodded her head.
         Charlotte gave her a hug. It gave Valery comfort that someone was there for her. They walked to school together and met up with Henry. "Hey." Valery said. Charlotte gave Henry a look. A look that said another nightmare. Henry looked at Valery's hands. It was covered in cuts and a few burn marks. "What happened in the nightmare?" Henry asked. "Let's just say something that I don't want to actually happen." Valery replied looking at Henry in the eyes.

At school
          Valery, Henry, Charlotte, and Jasper listened to Ms.Shapen talk. Valery felt a weird sensation. Suddenly she heard voices in her head. "Ugh I hate Ms.Shapen!" She heard Jasper say in his head. "I wonder what's going on with Valery." She heard Charlotte say. "This class is boring." She heard the girl in the back say. "Why does Valery look so pretty today?" She heard the boy named Jake say who sat in-front of her say.
What is happening? Valery thought. The voices got overwhelming. Valery quickly raised her hand and got permission to "go to the bathroom." She left the classroom and stood in the hallway taking deep breaths and putting her hands on her forehead. She heard footsteps echo in the hallway and a voice. "Where is that beautiful Valery?" She heard Jake say.
"Oh hi Valery!" Jake exclaimed. He walked up to Valery but Valery walked backwards. "Hey I don't bite!" Jake said putting his hands out. He kept walking up to Valery. "I'm sorry I have to go." Valery said, running to the bathroom. Jake walked back to the classroom.

Breathe. Just breathe. You can read minds no big deal. Oh what am I kidding? Reading minds?!?  That's insane! I'm going insane! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Valery pulled out her phone, then texted Ray. "Come get me. I'm going insane." Valery then walked back to class and tried to not focus on the thoughts. Then Ms.Shapen got a call and Valery went to the office for early dismissal.
          "Why does this always happen to Valery?" Valery could hear Ray think. "This doesn't always happen." Valery said. Ray gave a strange look. They walked outside the school. If I can read people's minds, can I put my thoughts in someone else's head? Only one way to find out. "I can read minds." Valery thoughts and focused on Ray's thoughts.
          His eyes went wide and Valery knew Ray had heard her thoughts.

Based on Lies: Uncovering the TruthWhere stories live. Discover now