Chapter 2: Lucas

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Ray's eyes went wide and Valery knew Ray could hear her thought.
          Ray was speechless. "Let's go test this out at the man cave." Ray said, and they started driving to the man cave.

     Ray and Valery sat in the car in silence. Valery could hear thoughts and couldn't stop them. Ray knew Valery was under stress, so he didn't speak a word. They drove to the man cave but Ray realized his car was almost out of gas. They pulled into a gas station and went inside. Ray and Valery stood at the counter, paying for snacks. Valery heard the bells on the door ring as a family walked in. They were all dressed in black and the mother's eyes were puffy.

Valery could read their thoughts but not see what happened. After Ray paid, they walked out the door. Valery could hear everyone's thoughts and stared at her feet, not wanting anyone to notice her long stares. She felt like she was invading everyone's privacy. Valery suddenly bumped into one of the little girl's that were dressed in black. She dropped her bag of M&M's. "Oh, I am so sorry!" Valery exclaimed. She bent down and picked up the bag of M&M's. She handed the bag to the girl and immediately saw the little girl's memories.

Valery saw it from a third person view. "No!" The little girl screamed, tears streaming down her face. The scream was deafening. The little girl stood in a house. A boy laid on the floor, not breathing. He was bleeding in the stomach. The girl ran to the boys side and shook him. "No!" She screamed again. "You can't be dead. You can't!" She screamed. She held the boy's face. "Please!" The girl screamed. She picked him up barely, using all of her strength. She carried him out in the front lawn. She was crying harder than ever. Cops and ambulances swarmed the house, and the girl's parents ran to the girl and boy. But they stopped in front of her. Worry filled their faces, but it also flooded with disappointment. Valery could see a man walk out of house being gunned down. He looked just like on of Valery's dad's men.

Valery snapped out of the vision. Her breathing was irregular. It was fast and her heart was racing. The more and more she thought about what she just saw, the more she panicked and heard the little girl's screams. Valery ran out of the gas station with Ray behind her. My dad is ending and ruining s lives. It's all my fault. I should of never came to Swellview. I have to leave before everyone I care about gets hurt. I am the reason why my dad is ruining people's lives. He needs me, he needs to finish his experiments. Valery thought. She kept on running and not stopping. She could hear Ray's voice behind her, telling her to stop. But she couldn't. Her heart was shattered, knowing that her dad was ruining people's lives because of her. Her legs were burning.

Valery stopped and turned around. "Ray, dad killed her brother. He killed that mother's son!" Valery screamed. No one was around them and they were near a forest. Valery cried. "How-" Ray asked, but was cut of by Valery. "My stupid mind reading and visions! It's awful! It's tearing me up Ray! I can't do it anymore!" Valery yelled. "We can help you Valery, it's going to be okay!" Ray said to Valery. "You don't even know if I am going to be okay! You don't have this awful ability. You can't help me! I need to leave Swellview!" Valery cried. Ray walked up to Valery and embraced her. Valery cried in Ray's chest. "If that's what you want." Ray said quietly. "That's what I have to. I'll be back once I have dealt with this." Valery responded. They walked back to the car and drove to Aunt Olivia's house.

They walked threw the front door. "Valery, sweetie are you okay?" Aunt Olivia asked, looking at Valery's puffy eyes. "Valery, go up and pack." Ray said. Valery walked up to her room. "She found out today that she can read minds and see people's memories." Ray explained. "It's too much for her. She saw a little girl's memory of a boy, dead because of my dad." Ray said. "It's all built up in her. Her wings, the experiments, the hurt, the danger, it's too much for a teenage girl." Ray continued, "She has to leave for a while." "She can't run away from her problems." Aunt Olivia responded.

Meanwhile in Valery's room, Valery cried as she went through her dressers. Tears slid down her cheeks and she saw a picture frame of Valery, Charlotte, Henry, and Jasper. They were gathered around at Jasper's birthday party. Jasper looked happy, holding his new bucket he received. Valery knew she couldn't stay, she was already putting them all in danger by caring about them. She put the picture in her bag, along with her clothes, tooth brush, comb, and other essentials. After she was done, she looked at her room. She turned off the lights and closed the door. Valery could hear Aunt Olivia's thoughts. "Poor kid." She heard Aunt Olivia think.

Valery walked down the stairs. "What about Henry, Charlotte, and Jasper?" Valery asked, voice cracking. "I will tell them." Ray answered. "I want to say goodbye." Valery said quietly. "We will stop by the man cave and have them meet us there." Ray responded. Valery looked at Ray's face and knew he was sad. Nobody should have to go through what you go through. Ray thought, knowing Valery could hear. "I'm going to miss you." Valery said, walking to Aunt Olivia. They embraced each other. Valery felt tears slowly roll down her cheek. Ray stepped away, on the phone with Henry who was with Charlotte and Jasper. "Valery has to go away for a little while. It was her decision." Ray said. Valery felt her heart break saying goodbye to Aunt Olivia. But she told herself that it was for her safety. Valery tried to tell herself that she would be back, but she kept on disagreeing with it. "I love you. I'll see you soon." Valery said, pulling away from the hug. "Love you too, kiddo." Aunt Olivia said.

Ray and Valery sat in the man cave, talking. "So where am I going?" Valery asked. "Uncle Logan's house." Ray responded. Valery nodded her head. The elevator beeped, and Charlotte, Henry, and Jasper walked through the elevator door. Charlotte ran to Valery and hugged her. "I'm going to miss you." Charlotte said. "I'm going to miss you too." Valery responded. Valery then hugged Jasper and said, "When I'm gone, don't let anyone criticize your buckets." Valery said smiling. "Don't worry, I won't." Jasper said laughing. Valery then looked at Henry. They hugged. "I'm going to miss you so much Valery." Henry whispered in Valery's ear. "I'll miss you too." Valery whispered. "I won't be gone for long. I'm doing this for everyone I care about." Valery thought, and made sure Henry could hear in his mind. His eyes widened. Valery whispered, "Shh! You can't tell them." They pulled away from the hug and Valery waved goodbye and went to the car with Ray.

They drove to Valery's uncle's house. It was in the middle of the country. They got out of the car and was greeted by Uncle Logan. "Hi Valery!" Uncle Logan said. His hair was a chestnut brown and so were his eyes. Valery and Uncle Logan were close, he was one of the only family members she would be allowed to know when she was young. "Hey Uncle Logan." Valery said hugging him. Aunt Gabriella, his wife, but Valery called her Aunt Ella, came running from the house. "Aunt Ella!" Valery exclaimed hugging Aunt Ella. "You're safe here Valery." Aunt Ella said. A boy, a little older than Valery, walked up to them. "Oh, I'm sorry dear, this is Lucas. He is our neighbor but is helping Logan with the house renovations." Aunt Ella said. Lucas had brown hair that was swooped over messily, blue eyes, and has tan skin. He clearly worked a lot in the sunshine. They waved. He was tall and strong. Valery felt uneasy, and she didn't know why. Aunt Ella showed Valery around the house. When they were done Ray and her were talking in the kitchen. Valery walked out to the backyard.

It was getting late out and the sun was starting to set. When Valery stepped out of the door onto the porch, she was Lucas lifting wood for a bonfire he was making. Valery stepped off the porch and Lucas dropped a piece of wood. Valery bent down and picked it up for him. His hands were full. He threw the wood he had in his arms into a pile and lit a fire. It was dark now and Valery gave Lucas the wood. When she handed him the wood, their hands touched and Valery saw visions.

It was Lucas panicking as he was reading minds. He looked around the room at a party and could barely focus on one thing, he kept on turning his head as he read thoughts. Valery couldn't help but panic too. "She's so ugly!" "He is not a good friend!" "This party sucks." He heard everyone think, so did Valery. Lucas began to sweat and panic.

     Valery snapped out of the vision. "You can read minds too." Valery said. His head turned sharply. "Too?"

Hi guys!!! Don't worry, Valery WILL return to Swellview but I want to have different perspectives during the chapters. Thank you guys so much for reading! Hope you guys enjoyed and don't forget to vote and comment!

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