Chapter 13: Monster

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Valery strolled down the street, hand in hand with her dad and mom. The sun was shining bright and she was smiling ear to ear. "How are ya munchkin?" Her dad asked, releasing his hands from Valery's and squeezing her cheeks. Valery giggled in response. "I'm good, how are you?" Valery asked, going on her tip toes trying to be as tall as her towering dad, and pointing at him. "I'm good, since you're here." Her dad answered. "Thanks for asking me!" Valery's mom playfully said. "I'm sorry mommy. How are you?" Valery asked, turning to her mom. "I'm good sweetie." Her mom said, squeezing Valery in a tight hug. They continued to stroll down the street. Valery recognized the path, it was the road to the special hill.
Valery loved the hill. They would always sit at the top and talk and play. There would would be other little kids there too with their families. Valery dragged her parents along faster, trying to get them to walk faster so she could play. They laughed in response, and they finally reached the top. It was like heaven for Valery. Dozens of kids were running all over the hill giggling. Valery's dad bent down and said, "Go on kiddo. Go play." Valery smiled and ran to the kids.
"Hi!" Valery exclaimed. All the kids stopped running. They all turned slowly towards her. Their eyes widened in shocked and they gasped. "You're the girl who killed her parents!" One boy shouted. All of them whispered amongst each other. Valery's heart raced. "What? No-no-I didn't." Valery said. She took a step forward and they all stepped backwards. The sun wasn't shining anymore. "Stay away. Monster." One girl spat. Valery's eyes watered and she put up her hands. "Please. I didn't." She cried. "You're a monster, Valery Manchester." Another boy harshly said. Valery ran back to her parents crying.
"They are saying I killed you, but I didn't." Valery cried. "But you did, Valery. You killed us." Her dad said, stepping back from her. Valery harshly shook her head. "No, I would never. I love you guys." She pleaded. "If you loved us, why would you kill your dad and leave me dead." Her mom bitterly said.
They were at the edge of the hill right above the water. "Please momma. Papa. Please." Valery pleaded, stepping towards her parents but they step backwards. Her dad was right at the edge. "Papa. Please. I love you. I would never kill you." Valery cried, putting her arms out and stepping forwards. Her dad stepped backwards and slipped. Valery extended her arms to try and help him, but it was no use. He was already falling. Valery screamed an ear splitting scream and sobbed. "Papa!" She screamed. She turned to face her mom. Her mom shook her head in shame. "Monster." She spat. Her mom pushed Valery off the hill into the body of water. Valery was screaming but couldn't hear it. Her life flashed before her eyes and felt the tears still on her face. "Momma!" She screamed.

Valery's eyes flew open and she gasped for air but was still screaming so she started choking.  She was sweating and her eyes were wide with terror. "Oh honey." Aunt Olivia said, which Valery just noticed was right before her bed. Aunt Olivia sat right next to Valery and hugged her. "It's okay." Aunt Olivia whispered, letting Valery sob. Valery was shaking. After a few minutes, she noticed her room was bright. It wasn't the middle of the night. Valery pulled away from the hug confused. "It's the morning sweetie. Henry, Charlotte, and Ray are downstairs eating breakfast. I'm so sorry." Aunt Olivia said. "You collapsed or something from using too much energy. Ray carried you up and you have slept for 6 hours. Not much." Aunt Olivia continued. Valery nodded. They both hopped out of bed and Aunt Olivia left the room.
Valery took a shower. She hoped it would get rid of her migraine from crying, but it didn't. Valery headed to her dresser and changed slowly and lazily into an outfit. Jeans and a black sweater. Not bothering to cover up her red, puffy eyes, she grabbed her brush, swiped her hair a few times, and left her room. While her head pounded the whole time.
          Valery walked slowly down the staircase. Everyone was gathered at the table. Valery approached the table and sat down next to Henry. Ray was across form Valery and Charlotte was across from Henry. Ray had large bags underneath his eyes and his hair was messy. Henry has large bags underneath his eyes too. His hair wasn't messy though. Charlotte didn't look tired, just stressed. "You look rough." Ray sleepily stated. "Thanks." Valery replied, dryly. Everyone was frowning. "Why are all of you stressed?!" Valery exclaimed. "It seems as though all of our problems should be solved because I killed him. Man, was I wrong." Valery continued. Everyone went stiff. "What?" Valery asked, eyeing everyone suspiciously. No one replied, they just stared at their plates.
           "Oh come on. What's wrong?" Valery asked again. Everyone was still silent. Valery huffed in annoyance and squinted her eyes at Charlotte. "Oh no. Valery, don't!" Charlotte exclaimed, knowing she was about to read her mind. Everyone tensed up and Henry tried to shake Valery to keep her from reading Charlottes mind. But, it failed.
        "The news...your" Valery heard, it was the only thing she could make out. Valery stood up suddenly and so did everyone. Valery tried to run towards the tv but Valery gripped her wrist. She was spun around and faced Henry. She broke from his grip and stuck out her hand. She tried to make his be pushed far away, but he only moved a foot. "You're weak Val. You don't wanna be unprepared for what your about to see." Henry warned. Valery huffed and gave up. "So how bad is it?"
          "Well for starters, your dad isn't dead." Henry said.

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