Ch.20-A little sibling

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I wiped my forehead when I finished with repairing the wing of Acynia. "Is that the sun?" I asked myself. I've been up since midnight working on this. I stretched my back, before going back inside my ship. I told Galacta I'd be leaving before I left to the castle.

"Kirby needs to learn how to be more responsible" Tiff said. She asked me to help her with something, so I met her in the study, and this is the first thing she tells me. "You do know he's just a baby, right? He can barely think for himself for goodness sake" I answered. "But the sooner he learns, the better, right?" She said. "That is true, but somethings can't be taught too early" I answered her. I don't think this would be such a good idea. "Maybe we can get him a little brother or sister" she perked up. Oh boy. "He's still too young Tiff" I continued. She is not giving in, is she? "But if you convince me enough, then maybe I'll consider it" I finished.

She convinced me enough. So, me, Tiff, Tuff, and their parents are at Gengu's looking for something that Kirby can be responsible for himself. Gengu came back to us, with a box. The mark is strangely familiar to me, but I can't remember where I've seen it. It's of some tall, slender guy with horns, and a ring around it. I was in my own thoughts when Tiff brought me back to my senses. "Don't worry Lady (Y/N). He'll be fine" she said. "Yeah... I know that. A little toy dog can't do much harm" I answered.

When we got back to the castle, I let the kids introduce the dog to the young warrior. He ran around the room with the dog chasing him when it was activated. "It seems like it'll take some time for them to get used to each other" I giggled.


I was outside Kawasaki's, telling another story to the teens. This time about Galacta. "And that knight is under my care at this moment" I finished the story. "He's here?" one of them asked. "Indeed he is. But he won't do much without his weapons" I answered. "Just be careful to anger him, if you see him. His horns can get sharp" I added, before the group was called by their parents. "I know you two are behind me" I said, looking behind the tree to find the knights. "You don't have to act like you don't like my stories" I crossed my arms, getting up from the short wall. "How are your ribs doing?" I asked Blade. "No pai' anymo'e" he answered. "Good to hear" I said, before I looked over to see Kirby with his new friend. Teaching it to look both ways before crossing the street. "He's learned quickly. To think that he didn't like that dog when he first got it" I sighed, feeling proud for the young warrior. "Let's get inside, no?" I said, starting to walk to Kawasaki's.

Another meal, like the other ones. Nothing out of the ordinary. Except that I'm just a little distracted looking out the window. "Look at him. Teaching his friend the rules and laws around here" I said, following Kirby as he wanders around town. "You must be proud" Sword stated. "Of course I am. He's very intelligent for his age" I answered. "I'm glad to be his trainer" I added, resting my head on the back of my hands. "Do you think I'm a bit hard on him? Not every training session is as merciful as the last" I said. "No! You can't be holding his hand the whole way through" Sword answered. "You di' trai' one o' th' stronges' knigh'' we kno'" Blade added. "I guess. I just feel like I'm a little too hard on him sometimes" I said, turning back to the table. "Just a little change in subject. The king is still not talking to me. It's mostly Escargoon who tells me what to do. It's been almost two months now" I said. "He does say the occasional sentence. But he's not that talkative like when I first arrived. Should I be worried?" I asked the two. "We've noticed that too" Sword answered. "'e bar'ly talk' t' a'yone" Blade added. "I'll see if he's alright when I see him next time. Even as much as I don't like the guy, no one deserves to be in pain for so long" I said. "Ask Escargoon before you ask the King" Sword stated, putting the bowl onto the table. "Yeah, that'd be a good idea" I answered.


I bumped into the snail in the hallway to the throne room. "Escargoon. I've been meaning to ask you" I caught his attention. "You haven't noticed any strange behavior from the King?" I asked. "Now that you say it. He has been awfully quiet" He answered pondering. "You too, huh?" I said. "I thought it was just with me" I added. "I'll go and see if something is bothering him" Escargoon said, continuing his path. "Alright. I'll do that if there's no change" I said, making m way down to the barracks.

Unexpected ((Blade x Reader x Sword))Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon