Ch.18-Coral reef

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Back in Kawasaki's, chatting with the knights. "But yeah. The king needed me to get them to the reef. I may be a knight, but I'm useless in water" I said, shrugging, waiting for the two to finish their food. They keep ordering the spicy food, as if they have to prove something. "The idiots are probably lost at sea by this point" I leaned back in my chair. "And who have to jump in and save them?" I asked. I pointed my thumbs at me. "This gal" I answered my own question. The two finished their dish. I have to say that they are getting more resistant to the spice. "Do you have to though?" Sword asked. "You're right. I should let him solved his problems himself for once" I answered, putting my helm over my face as I leaned my head back. "I hope it tastes well" I heard Kawasaki. "As always, thanks for the chair by the way. I appreciate it" I answered him, straightening my back, as he got the empty plates and headed back to the kitchen. "Bu' wha' ree' ar' y'u talk'n' abou'?" Blade asked. "I think it was the rainbow coral reef, why?" I answered. "There goes another landmark" Sword mumbled. "The King ha' been talk'n' abou' it fo' some ti'e. He'll prob'ly destroy it" Blade answered. "Like whispy... and Coral reefs are home to thousands of species of marine life. We can't let that happen. Even if we are supposed to work for the king" I answered, leaning on my knees. "We've gotten around it this far, why not now?" Sword asked. "True" I breathed. "Perhaps Tiff can teach him a lesson. She seems very knowledgeable on marine life" I said. "Also, question. Is he trying to put that dang golf course, or country club, or whatever, underwater?" I asked. "No wait... he said something about an underwater castle" I recalled. "Whatever he's going to build aside, we need to find the young warrior" I said.

I got back to the castle, to find the kids in the courtyard with Kine in a cooking pot, talking to their parents. "I'm glad I found you" I said, sprinting up to them. "We need your help" I added. "What can the knights need help from us?" Tuff asked. Tiff ignored him. "What can we do for you?" she asked. "As it is against our duty to go against the king-" I started. "Haven't you gone against him before?" Tuff asked. I was about to answer but cut myself off. I had to think for a moment. He's not completely wrong. "I'm... not gonna answer that one" I answered. "But the king is going to destroy the rainbow coral reef to build an underwater castle... I think that's what it was" I said. Kine started hopping in the pot. The kids went off to the coast, as fast as their feet could carry them. Meta knight following them. Probably to keep an eye on Kirby. I turned to Lady Like and Sir Ebrum. "I apologize for the sudden cut off, but we can't let something so wonderful and full of life be destroyed" I told them, before going with the group.

I was sitting on the side of a rock at the coast. Listening to the waves as I waited for the gang to emerge from the ocean. I heard a splash, and Meta Knight landing gracefully beside me. "Anything I should know?" I asked. He nodded towards the ocean, and I looked back over the water. Not too long after, a hurricane started forming. "Kirby has transformed into, tornado Kirby" he said. "Well then. Good thing I decided to empty the case after visiting Acynia" I said. A rainbow formed from the ocean water being throw into the air. The hurricane stopped spinning and splashed the water back down. The king and Escargoon trying desperately to stay alive. I hopped down from my rock, and went over to where the kids were. "Kirby. Another amazing performance" I said. He turned to look up at me, smiling widely. I unhooked the case from my hip, and Kirby released the ability. He caught the gray star and handed it to me. "You don't have to train today, unless you want to" I said, booping him where his nose would be. "Poyo~" I giggled. He could cure any ailment by just that alone. "Just find me if you still want to train, but I won't force you" I said, before getting back to the knight. The king and Escargoon still out in the ocean. "You'd think, as a penguin, he'd be able to swim" I stated. Metti breathed, something in between a sigh and a laugh. "Guess I was right earlier" I said, taking off all the plating. Leaving me in my white undershirt and black pants. I walked into the cold water. Where they were, the water was shallow enough for me to reach the bottom of the ocean, and still have my chest above the surface. I pulled them back with me to the shore. The king by the collar of his coat, and Escargoon by his arm. I lifted them up out of the water, not changing my grip, before setting them down on land. If only I was able to knock some sense into that thick skull, I would be asking them what we learned today. But I'm sure we all know how the king is. His right hand man is redeemable, for now.

I watched as Kine swam away with a sad look on his face. Poor thing. A minute later he jumped up over the surface and quickly swam back to Tiff, exclaiming that Kirby had found a way for them to be together. I giggled when Tiff yelled at the young warrior who was floating in the water. He is still as determined as he was from the beginning.

___Time skip___

I stretched as I walked around Acynia in thin white clothing, waiting for my clothes for my armor to dry. The stars are already out. "So, what have you been up to, Galacta?" I asked, when I got to the cockpit. "Nothing out of the ordinary" he answered, with a bored tone. "And how much should I trust that, Acynia?" I asked. "To 100%" she answered. "Alright. Seems like I am able to leave you for a couple days huh?" I said. He quickly latched onto my leg. "Will you really miss me that much?" I laughed, not getting an answer from him. "What happed to "the strongest warrior in the galaxy" attitude?" I asked, patting his back. Still not getting an answer. "Well if your not going to answer, how about I cook something?" I asked. Not that he really needs to eat that much anymore. He let go of my leg, as I went to the kitchen. With him following shortly behind.

After finishing with the cooking, we both sat by the table. I looked up from my plate to see Galacta barely eaten anything. "What's wrong?" I put my hands in front of my plate. "It's nothing..." he answered. "If you don't want me to, I won't leave you for a couple days at a time. I am still able to visit everyday. I need to keep an eye on Acynia after all" I reassured him. "It's not that. I just..." he paused for a moment. "We'll return back out there, right?" He asked. I feel like that wasn't what he was thinking of. I sighed either way. "I don't know. I have no chance of getting Acynia back into shape if I don't get the material for it. Not to mention how expensive it would be. But it is my mission to seek out another planet for us Humans to thrive, so I have to try. Not to mention how the cappies would react" I answered. "I can't promise anything" I added. I don't know what's gotten into him, but this is nothing like what he used to be. Perhaps he really did change like he's told me. "Get some sleep okay? I'll be leaving early tomorrow" I got up from my seat, and got my dishes cleaned before heading to my room.

I laid down on my bed, burying myself in the blanket. Before I fell asleep completely, I felt a soft orb pressing itself against my back. "Good night, Galacta" I said, before falling asleep.

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