Ch.5-Heavy rain

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I was at Kawasaki's with the knights, looking out of the window. "The weather's pretty bad, isn't it?" I said. It was storming, and it would be too dangerous to go outside. I went over to the kitchen, watching Kawasaki's cooking. "What'chu doing there?" I asked. "I'm cooking the Teriyaki your friends ordered" he answered. "Looks a bit thin to me" I said, I got a small spoon that was on the counter to taste it. "Hmm, yeah. Add a bit more soy to it, maybe some chili to give it more flavor" I said. He did as told, and I took another taste. "Much better. Try it" I said. Kawasaki got his own spoon, and tasted the sauce. "My goodness, this is better than I've ever done" he said. "No problem, I'll be happy to help if you need anything" I said, heading back to the dining area. "I hope you don't mind that I made some changes to the recipe" I said. "What changes?" Sword asked. "I gave the dish some more flavor, is all" I answered. Even with the helmets on, I could tell they were eying me suspiciously. I flashed them a closed-eye smile, tilting my head to the side. Being as innocent I could possibly be. Kawasaki arrived with three plates, and placed them on the table. "Mm... this is some good teriyaki" I said, eating the dish. The knights took a bite, only to start couching a moment later. "That's spicy" Sword wheezed, while Blade ended up even more inaudible than he already is. I couldn't help but start laughing. "I didn't know you were that weak to spicy food" I chuckled. "You lear' somethin' e'eryday, eh?" Blade said. I ordered something milder for the two, and ate the spicy ones myself.

We continued chatting for a while, waiting for the rain to calm down. "This is just ridiculous. We've been here for almost two hours now, and the rain hasn't calmed down" I said. "Seems like it's gotten worse even" I added getting to the window again. "Do you usually have it this bad?" I asked, turning back to the knights, who were still at the table. "We rarely have this kind of weather in Dreamland. It's more common in the Bubbly clouds region of Popstar" Sword answered. I went back to the knights, and sat down. "If you're asking me I'd say something isn't right" I said. "Ther's alway' somethin' goin' on" Blade answered. "I shouldn't jump to conclusion, I know, so we should just try to get to the castle in this rain. We can't stay here forever" I said. "Why not? It's a lot nicer here than with the king" Sword answered. We all snickered. "Can't argue with that" I answered. "We should get going. And if not the castle, we could visit Acynia. Not that I don't really have anything I need from her" I said. "I guess you could meet her" I added, getting up and opening the door to the restaurant. The two following. "Thanks for letting us stay for a bit, Kawasaki" I said. "Any time Lady (Y/N)" he answered, and we made our way out in the rain. I drew the hood further over my face, and made a roof over the knights with the cloak. We started heading to the forest, in the heavy rain.

I first thought the field was bad, with no protection from the rain, but I have to say that the forest is even worse. The rain has soaked the dirt, making it hard to walk in without sinking in it. The knights didn't have much problem with that considering how much lighter they are than me. Not to mention that their feet are wider than mine too. And the bigger water drops from the leaves didn't make it much better.

When we finally got to Acynia, I lead them to a small glass room. The doors closed behind us. "Acynia, activate the dryer" I called. Hot air started blowing at us from all angles. I put my arms to the sides, to make sure it hit every single bit of me. "Alright that's enough" I said, and the wind stopped. "It's good enough" I added. The doors opened, and we stepped out. "What was that?" Sword asked. "It's a dryer. It's convenient when you need to dry yourself off quickly" I answered, clicking my boots on the floor to shake off the dirt. The two did the same, as I started to head towards the cockpit. The two followed me through the dark corridors. I told Acynia to unlock the doors to sector A. The doors opened to brightly lit, white corridors. We reached the cockpit, and I got up to the control panel. "Acynia, what's the weather?" I asked. "Heavy rain fall for the next two days" she answered. "Well isn't that great" I mumbled. I turned back to the knights. "Welcome to my ship. You can find pretty much anything you need to survive here" I said. "Who are your new friends, Captain?" Acynia asked. "These are Blade Knight, and Sword Knight. My.. teammates you could say" I answered. "It's nice to meet you two. I'm Acynia. Project 24602 from Earth. Created by-" I cut her off. "Okay you don't have to give them your life story" I chuckled. "I apologize Captain" she said. "Don't worry about it. I know you tend to get carried away when you meet someone new" I answered. "Would you like for me to grant them access here at anytime?" She asked. "Do that, and add Tiff, Tuff, Fololo, Falala, and Kirby to the list as well" I said. "Could you specify their locations" she said. "The first four should be in the castle, and Kirby should be in the field, bordering the town" I said. "I've registered the four life forms in the Castle, none in the field" she answered. "Who would be out in this rain?" I asked. "Captain, I believe someone is outside by the right wing" she said. "Let them in if they seem harmless" I answered. I went over to the control panel again. "Scan for all foreign life forms on the radar" I said. She started saying a huge number. "Okay... lets be a little more specific. Scan for Puffballs" I said. "Three Detected" she answered. "..." I turned to face the knights again. "You don't know any other puffball other than Meta Knight and Kirby?" I asked. They both shook their heads. "So he's still here isn't he" I mumbled and turned back to the control panel. "Where are they located?" I asked. "One in the castle, one in town, and one in sector B" she answered. My eyes widened. "Get over here" I said to the knights. By the tone of my voice they knew something was up, and hurriedly got beside me. I took a step back, to have them in front of my legs. They may be strong, but they'd be nothing against him. If they barely beat Meta Knight in a duel. "Keep track of the one in the ship" I told Acynia. "Target advancing to Sector A" she said, I stayed patient. "Target advancing to your location" she continued. "It's right outside the door, Captain" she said. "...let him in" I said, drawing my claymore. The door opened, and I listened carefully, nothing. Just the clicking of metal against the floor. Calmly approaching me. "You're still mad at me, huh?" he asked. I turned around to face him. "You know I am Galacta. I trained you. You became the strongest in the galaxy. And what do you do?" I answered. He sighed. "Blow my chances" he answered. "You betrayed me. You lied to me. And I'm still contemplating if I should have trained you in the first place" I continued. "Why are you still here?" I asked. "I... I wanted to forgive you, for what I did" he answered. "You know how long it's been. And you think I'd just accept that?" I asked. He didn't answer. "When you left, thought I would worry myself to the core. But the more I think about what you've done. I realize I don't even know you" I said. He approached me, and held the lance, handle towards me. "I won't be needing these where I know I'm going back to" he said. "What's gotten into you?" I asked, surprised at how long he's stayed so calm. And he's giving up his lance and shield, accepting the fact that he's going back to prison? "All I wanted was to see you again" he said. I took his arsenal. He nodded and turned around. "Where's that fierce Galacta Knight? What kind of softy is this??" I asked. "The one you tutored" he answered, before leaving the room. "What?" I asked myself. "Who hurt him?" I asked, looking down at the lance and shield. I groaned, realizing that he must have tried to sweet talk me into accepting him back. I marched off to Sector F. Where the weaponry is. "Acynia, Keep these safe, and out of my view" I said. A secret door opened in the pillar in the center of the room, and two robotic arms stretched forward to take them from me. I didn't realize the knights behind me, before I almost stepped on them. "Sorry you had to see that" I said. I got back to the cockpit, and told Acynia to scan for puffballs, this time only finding two. I sighed, and looked out the window. "The rain's gotten worse" I said. "You can stay here for a while, if you'd like" I added. "Oh, we wouldn't want to bother you" Sword retorted. "It's fine, I just need some time to calm down" I answered, heading to a room. It's like a spa, with yoga mats, hot tubs, and a heck of a lot of scented candles. Like I said, Acynia has everything. I sat down on a yoga mat, and tried to clear my mind. Slow breathing. "Do you wanna join?" I asked the two who were creeping around the corner of the door. They ended up joining me. They said they've never done yoga before, and it's apparent in their lack of  flexibility. But they're determined, not letting anything keep them down. Yoga does calm your nerves, and mind. But I have to say that it's not the most fun to do. Having a couple friends that almost fall from every move, does make it a little more fun.

"How much do you know about him?" Sword asked out of nowhere. "I thought I knew everything. But he's changed into a complete stranger to me. He used to be the kind you could always trust. Still a little temperamental, but trustworthy" I answered. "He started to change to who he is today ever since I took Metti into my care" I added. "But that would be a story for another day" I finished.

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