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I was woken up from an alarm. I checked the clock. 3AM. "Acynia. What's the matter?" I asked my ship. "Astroid damage, in sector C" she answered. "The water tank" I mumbled to myself. "Set course to the closest inhabited planet. I'll need metal and water if there's a hole" I called. "Of course. Setting course towards Shiver star" she said. I stood up from my bed, and went over to sector C to check the damage, putting on my space suit before opening the seal. There's sealed doors between every sector, incase anything happens. And with my bedroom being in the very center of the ship, keeping it as safe as possible. The water tank has lost most of the water, with a hole close to the bottom of it. I sighed, knowing this would take a while. And with Acynia traveling to Shiver star. This can only go great.

I was looking out the window in the cockpit. I lost my balance, and the alarm started again. "Engine damaged. We've been set off course" Acynia said. "GET BACK ON COURSE THEN" I said. "I'm sorry captain, but I'm unable to" She answered. "...Where are we heading to?" I asked, after a while. "Location unknown" She answered. I went over to my maps. Sometimes, Acynia isn't as useful as I'd like her to be. I sorted through the different scrolls, until I found the one I was looking for. I've marked and doodled in different locations and findings, and it seems like we're heading to an area I've marked with a red ring. So, she was right. Well, this will be an interesting expedition.

I sprinted to the emergency safe room, when Acynia announced that we were approaching a planet. I prepared myself for the worst, as I sealed myself into a padded space. It feels like I was in a case, formed after my body. I heard Acynia hit ground, as she rapidly lost speed. Once I felt like she was still, I opened the door. The case had managed to latch off from the wall, and was now on the floor. The lights were out. A few holes were in the roof, with branches poking through. "Acynia?" I asked. "yes captain?" she answered. She's still active. "Oxygen level" I said. "22%" she answered. So it's a whole percent more than earth. "Scan the area" I continued. After a moment I got an answer. "We're in a dense forest. With an ocean approximately five minutes south" she answered. "Where are we?" I asked, as I found my way back to the cockpit, where the glass was broken. I looked outside, seeing forest, and the sunlight seeping through the leaves. "Do not take my word for this. We seem to be in Dreamland, of planet popstar" she answered, this feels familiar. Scarily so. I went back to the map, which was laying on the floor, tattered. "Do you remember my students?" I asked. "I do" she answered. "Can you find them around here?" I asked. I don't know why, but I feel like they'd be here for some reason. To be honest I've asked her when we visited every planet, but gave up after we went through probably six galaxies worth of planets. I waited patiently for an answer.

"56 minutes northwest"

Unexpected ((Blade x Reader x Sword))Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt