Ch.25-New year

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Not even a week later, and it's the end of the year. "(Y/N)" I heard someone calling my name. I groaned, getting up from the straw mat. "What is it now?" I mumbled, making my way to the door of the barracks. Opening it slightly, peeking through the crack to find the snail, looking rather pleased with something. He looks... friendly. "That smile really suits you, Escargoon" I said, getting out into the hallway, closing the door behind me. "Is there anything you needed?" I asked. "Oh, I was just wondering if there's any festivities for new year on earth" he answered. "Well, I don't celebrate new years as hard as Christmas. But I had a friend who used to throw a party, where everyone is supposed to get drunk off their.. feet" I said, taking a slight pause as I almost cursed. "I never joined as I don't really drink. I usually stay back and enjoy the fireworks. Then there's also the tradition where couples, especially new couples, are supposed to kiss when the clock strikes midnight" I continued. Escargoon drawing back for a moment, holding his hand to his face. "And of course the new years resolutions" I added. "So, there's not much you do to welcome a new year" he said. "Well I* don't. But I've known a few that have celebrated hard" I answered. "And then there's the same joke every year" I sighed, leaning my head back. "Before midnight they leave to room saying, I'll see you next year. And then five minutes later they return saying that they haven't seen each other since last year" I said, smiling at the terrible puns. Escargoon was not as amused and sighed at them. "But there really isn't much I can think of for New year" I stated. "Now if you excuse me, I'm going back to my corner" I said, turning back to the door. "------ --- majesty ----- like that midnight ---" Escargoon mumbled. I was only able to pick up half of it. "You said something?" I asked, turning my head to him. "Never mind that" he answered. "Alright, I'll see you later" I said, closing the door behind me when I got back inside the barracks.

I hummed, smirking, leaning against the door. The other three knights turning to me. "What are you planning now?" Meta Knight asked. Clearly knowing the expression I get when I'm planning something "mischievous". "If my assumption is correct... Who'd like to play wingman with me?" I asked. "You haven't even been here for a year" Sword said. "I know! But listen. I'm am 90% sure that something is going on between Dedede and Escargoon" I said, pacing around the room. "This might not be driving the main plot in any direction, but these sorts of things can happen in life" I said, confusing the knights. "I just had a chat with Escargoon about new year's celebration traditions. That's a mouth full. And he got a bit... quiet, when I mentioned that couples, especially new couples are supposed to kiss when the clock strikes midnight. And then he mumbled to himself about the king liking that midnight thing. I could only hear half of it, so that's where my assumption comes in" I told them, smirking again.

Guess I'll have to do this by myself then. But I won't force anything, I'll just keep an eye on them. It was a rather normal day, at least until the sun started setting, that's when everyone were scurrying to get the preparations done before midnight. Carrying fireworks and whatnot. I followed a string of waddle dees outside to one of the walls. The stars shining bright on the night sky, with a slight twinkle. I walked up to Metti, who was standing on the edge of the wall. "It's the end of the year" I said, sitting down beside him, my legs swinging over the edge. "It's only three months until your first year here. How do you feel?" he asked. "Couldn't be happier. I feel like I've finally found my place, where I'm not treated as a glass figurine" I answered, looking up at the stars. "I'm able to show who I am, for once" I added. "I just wish I could stay" I sighed, looking down. "Oh! Before I forget. Meet me and the other two in the dining hall after midnight. They wanted us to have some time as a team. Just the four of us" I said, looking over to him. "After that I'll have to head to Acynia and probably spend the night there" I added, getting up from my spot on the wall. "I'll head back inside to the kitchen. I'll see you in a couple hours.

"5! 4! 3! 2! 1!" everyone counted down. I looked down at the crowd from a tower balcony. Fireworks blared in the sky. "Happy new year!" the town called out. "Happy new year Dreamland" I said, clearly not loud enough for anyone to hear me from so far away. I headed back inside, and set up everything in the dining hall.

The others arrived a few minutes later. "Happy new year, guys" I exclaimed, sitting down by the table. They sat down around the table as well, Sword and Blade on the same side as me, and Metti by the end of the table. "Go ahead and dig in. I didn't cook this to just look at it" I said, taking a plate myself. "So, how was new year on earth?" Sword asked. "Well depending on where you live, it can be completely different. For example in New York City where they had a giant ball they drop from a tower when the clock strikes midnight. I lived in a small town before moving to a city myself. There you could wait in the dark for about 30 minutes before the firework was set off. I say firework cause it was literally just: Yay, firework... okay let's go to bed" I answered, getting a chuckle from the three. "There was one guy in the whole town who ever got fireworks, and it continued like that until he sadly passed away. After that the entire town fired off fireworks, as if to honor he who kept us excited" I continued. "When I moved to the city, you'd see fireworks fired in November" I finished. "Always some teenage group thinking explosives were cool. NOT dangerous at all!" I said the last part with sarcasm. "But enough moping about Earth. We're here to have fun, aren't we?" I stated.

We did end up having a bit too much fun, as usual. My chest hurting from laughing at the jokes, especially when Metti cracked a pun. Eventually ending up in a pun war with the former star warrior. "You're even worse than he is" Sword groaned, holding back a laugh. "Well, who do you think taught him?" I snickered. "Anyway, I should head to Acynia before "you know who" gets a little impatient" I said, getting up from my seat. "Happy new year again" I said, leaving the dining hall.

"Galacta? Happy new year" I said, entering the cockpit of Acynia. I looked around, not seeing him anywhere. "Acynia, where's Galacta?" I asked, still looking around, heading to my room. "He is in sector F" she answered. "I thought I told you not to let him in there!" I said, marching over to the armory. "GALACTA YOU-" I cut myself off when I noticed all the lights were fixed. There's no dirt or branches in the room either, with the hole in the roof covered. As well as the floor. The sky-blue walls repainted. It looks like I haven't been in a crash landing. "Galacta you... repaired all this?" I asked, when I heard him landing behind me. "...What would I do without you?" I asked, turning to face him. He's got a few spots of paint on the mask. "It seems you wouldn't do much" he answered. I picked him up into a hug, which he tried to escape from. Beating my arms with his wings, that's probably going to leave a few bruises, considering that he hit me with, not just the feathers, but also the musculature. And they're not a squishy as the rest of him. Almost at the hardness of bone. "Alright, alright. Calm down" I said, putting him back down. Once calmed down, I went further into the room. "Happy new year, (Y/N)" he said out of the blue. "Happy new year to you too, Galacta" I answered. "You didn't happen to find a claymore laying in the dirt?" I asked, looking back at him. He shook his head. "Gah, guess I'll have to get it somewhere else" I said, facing back to the empty wall where I would have my claymores. "And I'm still not letting you have your arsenal back" I stated. "You may be on good terms with me now, but you still haven't made up for the rest of the galaxy" I added. "Fair enough" he answered, nuzzling my leg. "I still don't understand what's gotten into you" I said. "There's a lot you don't know about me" he answered, leaning his horns against my legs. "This isn't the Galacta I know. Who hurt you?" I asked, jokingly. "You could say I hurt myself" he answered, a lot more serious than I expected. I crouched down, making him take a step back. "I already told you I'm sorry for what I did. I'm not going to tell you again" he glared at me. "There he is" I answered, patting his head, to which he snarled even more. "It's getting late. You can sleep whenever, but I'm out" I said, getting up and heading to my bedroom.

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