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I was walking around in the dungeons, mostly exploring. But also helping the waddle dees who got lost. I can't really blame them, since I tend to get lost here as well. I arched an eyebrow when I noticed Sir Ebrum, with his tail between his legs. "Sir Ebrum? Unusual seeing you here" I said, approaching him. "Lady (Y/N)! Why are you here??" He asked, with a nervous smile. "Uhh... I... work here?" I answered. "I could ask you the same" I added. "Well, you see. It's mine and Lady like's anniversary today" he answered. "Hey, congratulations. But that doesn't answer why you're down here in the dungeons" I said. "But I won't force an answer out of you. I know the jitters one can get" I continued, and made my way back to where I was going. "I didn't know you were married" he stated. "I was. When I still lived on earth" I answered, not getting any good memories of it. "Good luck, Sir Ebrum" I said, walking away. That was too close. I don't exactly want to give my life story. Not yet anyway.

I eventually found my way back to the barracks, which was empty at the moment. I got some bread to munch on, then made my way to the courtyard. Mostly to just look productive, I've given myself a schedule, consisting of patrolling in random areas. I would start in the courtyard. Then to the walls. And around that time I'd meet up with the Knights for something to eat. Which mostly is at Kawasaki's. Speaking of. I looked over the town from the closest wall. Seems like some are queuing outside. "Lady (Y/N)" I heard Tiff. I turned around. "Good day Tiff" I greeted. "You don't happen to be able to cook anything for today?" she asked. "Depends. Mostly if I have time. Anything special happening today?" I asked. "It's mom and dads anniversary today!" she said, with a big smile. "That's right! Ebrum told me earlier. Must have slipped my mind" I answered. "I'd be happy to cook something up for your family" I said. "But, it'd be much easier to keep it away from the king at Kawasaki's" I added, half joking. "Perfect" she answered. "I'll be in town for the day, just call for me when I'm needed" I said. "Speaking of. I should get going. I will see you there" I finished, before jumping off the wall.


"And the king has assigned me as his personal body guard, as of tomorrow" I said, taking another bite of Kawasaki's new recipe. "I won't be beside that overgrown chicken 24/7. But there isn't much I can say against it, without ticking him off, you know" I added.  Suddenly, Chief Bookem rushed into the peaceful restaurant, almost knocking a table over. "Is there a criminal on the loose?" I leaned closer to the knights, not taking my eyes of the chief. Both of them shrugged. Tiff stormed over to us. "Have you seen a ring anywhere?" she asked. "If you're talking about the one with a green stone. Then I saw it with Escargoon, at Mabel's. Then it was sent over to Curio" I answered. She nodded, and ran back out, the chief following. "A ring?" Sword asked. "I'm assuming it's for their anniversary" I answered, taking another bite of the dish. "So, how's the new recipe?" Kawasaki asked. "It's a great improvement" I answered, grabbing the attention of some of the diners. Kawasaki does have a reputation of not having the best food. "It is" Sword added, while Blade nodded. Which triggered most of the diners into wanting to try it. Seems like some of them don't know how much we really eat. And with a big appetite, you would be willing to eat almost anything. Being a knight does burn up a lot of energy. Even on the "lazy" days. We need to restock it in some way. Either way. We got up and paid for the meal, before leaving.

I pondered for a bit by the tree. Before deciding on what to cook for this special day. The knights had already left for the castle. I entered Tuggle's store, looking around for the items I need. I have to say that it's not the most comfortable, having to look down all the time. This town is built for cappies, and not humans after all. I got up to the cashier, placing the items on the counter. "You don't happen to have any lamb left, do you?" I asked Tuggle. "I can check in the back. Wait right here" he answered, and left to check the back storage. I looked out the window, seeing Sir Ebrum trying to distract his wife. Tuggle got back with a box of lamb fillet. "This is what I have left" he said. "That'd be perfect" I got my wallet, and paid for the items. Heading back outside, finally being able to straighten my neck. The gang seems to still be running around, trying to find that ring. I made my way back to Kawasaki's restaurant. Before I could enter, I noticed Tokkori flying over me, taunting Kirby who's angrily marching after him. I grabbed the bird right out of the air, causing him to drop a ring. Kirby rushed over to it, picking it up. "That should teach you something about messing with the young warrior" I said, before letting the bird fly away. I entered the restaurant, just barely missing an escaped convict. I shrugged it off when I noticed the chief being only a couple feet behind.

I got into the kitchen. "Hey Kawasaki? Mind if I borrow your kitchen for a while? I was asked to cook for an anniversary" I called. "Go ahead, I won't have that many customers at this time anyway" he answered, standing by the sink. I got a stool to sit on, so I don't have to break my back, and went to work.

After a while, I checked into the restaurant, finding the family by a table. I went up to them, trying to not seem too suspicious. "I assume everything is well?" I asked, and they all answered with a nod. I glanced over to Ebrum, who's not well. I pondered for a bit, and headed back to the kitchen. "Hey, Kawasaki? Could you check the lamb for me?" I asked. "Sure thing" he answered. I thanked him, and rushed to Acynia.

I quickly got to the cockpit, and to my room. "Acynia? Open hatch 22" I said. A hatch opened in the wall. I got a small box from it, and rushed back to the restaurant.

More people have gathered, and I went into the kitchen, to see the fillet fully prepared. I got the tray, and went over to the family. Sir Ebrum was apologizing, as he wasn't able to get a ring for her this year either. I put the food down. "Actually" I interrupted, holding the box in my hand. I handed it to him. "I won't be needing it anytime soon" I said. He opened it, to find my old wedding ring. I had to argue with him for a moment, until he finally accepted it. Threading it onto Lady Like's ring finger, and the restaurant was filled with applause. Which was short lived, when Kirby decided he was a bit hungry. He is a growing puffball after all.

After the dinner, I went back to the castle, and down to the barracks. The knights were all asleep. Except for Sword. He's sitting up, huddled into his blanket. "Are you alright?" I quietly asked, sitting down beside him. "Depends" he answered. "You don't sound like you are" I said, noting the raspy tone. I took off his helmet, putting the back of my hand against his forehead. "Goodness, you're burning up" I stated, moving my hand to his temples. "I'll let the king know you're not well enough to work tomorrow morning. Now get some rest" I said. "Easier said, than done" he answered, draping the thin blanked tighter. I thought for a moment, before pulling my legs up, and setting him in my lap. "But, won't you get ill?" he asked. "I've had scarier things in me than a fever. Now try to get some rest, alright?" I answered, letting him get comfortable. I'd suspect this is from when he was submerged in the snow, and contracted something from that. But what do I know?

Unexpected ((Blade x Reader x Sword))Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora