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(This chapter gets a bit heavy, and "graphical" You can skip it, but this does have a part about (Y/N)'s past. It's not the most important chapter there is though)

"I've already told you, I can't promise anything" I got up from my seat and left the kitchen to head to the cockpit. All morning, Galacta has been asking if we'll ever go back out to space. I've finally found a place where I feel like I belong. Where I'm treated like an individual. It's not going to be easy to leave this place. I sat down by the control panel. "You have a new message, captain" Acynia told me. "That was a while ago. From who?" I asked, looking up at the screen. "From ship 22-0-7" she answered. I grunted. Him again. "Open message" I snarled. A window was pulled up on screen, covered in text. I skimmed through most of it, until the end. "I've located your ship and am visiting in an hour" I read aloud. "Acynia, when was this sent?" I asked. "Two hours ago" she answered. "Great" I groaned. I got up from my seat. "Galacta" I called. "Make sure no one enters the ship while I'm away. We have an uninvited visitor in Dreamland" I told him when he peaked around the corner, before heading to town.


I walked around town. It's completely devoid of Cappies, that is until a Cappy sprinted up to me. "Iro? Where is everyone?" I asked. "You must come with me" he said, before sprinting back to where he came from, which was a hidden corner of the town. Most of the cappies seem to have gathered here. "What happened?" I asked the mayor. As I looked over the mass of cappies, some covered in bruises. "A tall fellow who looks just like you started threatening us. Demanding to know where you were" Len answered. "I was afraid of this. I've gotten the news from Acynia that the crew of 22-0-7 have landed here. I know far too well who that is, and he's only here for me" I said. "He doesn't like things that he doesn't understand, and lashes out" I continued. "I'll get this sorted, and send him back to where he belongs" I added, before going to the castle.

I heard a duel taking place, and went towards it. Both Sword and Blade were fighting him. And from what I can see, it's not a friendly little play fight. "ANSWER ME. WHERE IS SHE?!" The visitor lashed out. "LUKAS, IT'S TIME TO STOP" I yelled, causing him to stop. "(Y/N)! Long time no see~" he said walking towards me, as if nothing had happened. "Save it" I shoved his away from me walking up to the knights. "Are you okay?" I asked, checking for any wounds. They nodded, not taking their gaze off him. "I think it's time to go" I said through gritted teeth. "Why? I just arrived" he answered. "And you're already terrorizing the citizens" I said. "C'mon (Y/N), I haven't seen you for so long" He whined. "You know him?" Sword asked. "Yes, sadly, I do" I answered. "That... thing... is Lukas" I started, turning to him, that stupid coat, with the emblem of his crew, swaying as he struck ridiculous poses. "My EX-husband" I answered.


"You have no idea how terrible he is. He's terrorized all of cappy town within the five minutes he got there. Not to mention what he's done to me and everyone else he's come across on Earth" I was discussing on what to do about Lukas with the king, while Lukas is being restrained by the knights and Waddle doo behind me. "And what am I suppose' to do 'bout it?" He asked. "I'm asking for permission to imprison him. I'm not risking the consequences if we don't" I answered. The king pondered for a bit. "Sire, I think we should listen to her. That thing has been treating us worse than you ever could" Escargoon said. "Shut it, you French meal" Lukas retorted. Metti hit him in the side with Galaxia. "Let 'im stay fo' a while" the king said. "Are you out of your mind?" I tried to not raise my voice. "I like to see what this one can do" he answered. "Your majesty, I am forever grateful" Lukas butted in. I turned back to him. "I'm keeping an eye on you" I gritted, walking down to the barracks.


I leaned against the door, digging my feet into the floor. "THIS IS A PRIVATE.. GH... AREA" I slammed my side into the door. "Sweetums, please. I just wanna talk to you" Lukas whines from the other side of the door. "Oh I know you want a lot more than just talk. AND YOU'RE NOT GETTING ANY PIECE OF ME.. EVER" I answered. "I DIVORCED YOU FOR A VALID REASON. KILLING OUR DAUGHTER BECAUSE SHE NEEDED ATTENTION FROM ME" I continued. "But she kept crying for you. Taking you away from me. "SHE WAS 5 MONTHS OLD" I kept yelling, while the knights tried, but failing, to ignore it. "Besides, I don't need you anymore. You've done enough damage to me already" I said. "But I've been nothing but good to you" he answered. "Maybe from your perspective. But you don't compare to my friends here" I said. "Oh, so that's how it is, huh?" his tone changed for the worst. "You're replacing me with those knights, aren't you?" He said. "I could replace you with a dead fish. The smell would be more pleasant that dealing with you" I answered. He was silent for a while, and stopped pushing against the door. "You're mine (Y/N). No one else can have you. And I'll make sure that no one will" he said, before storming off. "Oh boi, there he goes killin' again" I said. "You rea'ly don'' see' t' like 'im" Blade stated. "Obviously. Not after what he did to me. And my little angel" I answered. "We need to get him away from this planet, ASAP" I said, gearing up completely. "I haven't worn the whole suit of my armor in... I can't tell how long. But it's for the best" I said, as I quickly geared up. "You two better be prepared for the worst. And do anything to bring him down" I said, putting on my helm, before leaving the barracks. We split up, to cover more ground. Patrolling the hallways to make sure we stop Lukas before he does anything.

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