Ch.6-Damaged forest

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I was alone in Acynia, tending to anything broken that would be necessary. "I've let in Tiff" she announced. "Lead her to me" I answered, tweaking with the wiring in the lights of the armory. "There you are" I heard Tiff. "Just a moment" I answered, a couple moments later, I managed to get one lamp light up. "It's better than nothing" I said, putting the metal panel back in its place. "What brings you here?" I asked Tiff, facing her. "Sword and Blade told me to give this to you" she answered, holding out a light blue star. I took it, examining it. "The spark ability star. When did he eat electricity?" I asked. "The storm that happened a couple days ago, was another one of Dedede's monsters" she answered. "Must have been Kracko. I knew that storm wasn't normal" I said. "What do you use them for anyway?" she asked. "Come with me" I answered, and started walking up to sector A. The room right behind the cockpit. I told Acynia to open the door. A bright room, with a whole bunch of crystal-ball-like globes, aligning the walls. 30 globes to me more precise. They were all empty except for the first three, which have the fire, sword, and stone ability. I went up to the fourth, and held the small star against it. It got absorbed by the globe. "Pretty neat, huh?" I asked. "I made this room when I started training puffballs. Too bad the abilities fade if they're unused" I continued. "So you keep them safe for Kirby to use again?" she asked. "Exactly. It's much easier for him to gain the ability from these, instead of his enemies" I answered. "And the best part is, that I can take them out again. So Kirby won't have to come here, and then go back" I said. "Which is why I always have two cases on me. One for a new ability, and the other for one that I bring with me" I added. She looked like she wasn't listening, staring at the stars, but I'm sure she is. "What other puffballs did you train. And how were you able to when you're not one yourself?" she asked. "It did take a while, but I ended up training those who became swordsmen. I did train them on abilities and strategy as they were growing. But when they got old enough they decided to choose an ability, and stick with it. As it was easier in the war" I answered. "And for who I trained. I can say Meta Knight is one of them" I answered. "So if he's a puffball, can he copy abilities as well?" she asked. "He should be. But he rather fight with Galaxia, as an honored swordsman. Not relying on any special powers" I said. There was a moment of silence. "What did he suck up?" she asked. "He doesn't like to talk about it, and I'm sure he doesn't want me to mention it" I answered. "So. How long did you train him for?" she asked. "Since he was at Kirby's age. Until the war" I answered. "And yes, I'm technically over 300 years old. Time practically stops when you're traveling faster than the speed of sound" I answered, starting to walk to the door. "But don't ask me where he got his Spanish accent from" I added. ((If you do have a Spanish accent then that makes more sense. So, you can just ignore that sentence))

We chatted for a while. Mostly of what's been going on around town. "Captain, I have detected danger to the forest" Acynia said. "Whispy" I mumbled. I got up, Tiff following me, as I sprinted out of my ship, quickly getting my cloak on. I reached the center, where Whispy is standing. He's got Kirby and Tuff trapped, under apples, talking to Dedede. "What's going on here?" I asked myself. "Tiff!" Tuff called for his sister. She ran up to them. I noticed the chainsaw in Dedede's hands, and sprinted up to Whispy. I stopped him from cutting Whispy, by blocking it with my sword. "Get outa my way (Y/N)" He said. "No, I will not let you destroy the ecosystem. I may work for you but this is madness" I said. He growled, and swung the chainsaw again. I kept blocking it, until the short sword broke, and he got to the tree. I jumped out of the way to not get cut. Tiff had gotten the other out of the apples, while I sat by the stump of Whispy. I stabbed my broadsword into the dirt, kneeling while holding the hilt, with my forehead against my hands. Dedede laughed and drove off, talking about a golf course. "This will not end like this" I mumbled. I got a device from my pocket. I pressed a small button. "Acynia, shield the area in a five mile radius" I said into the device. "Let nothing pass through" I added. "Kids" I said, standing up. "Don't go anywhere close to Acynia. She's protecting the forest there. If you do enter the area, she'll shoot you down. Drones are flying around and won't let anything pass through" I continued. "Can't you put that up around the whole forest?" Tuff asked. "The shield only reaches for five miles. I'm sorry, but this is what I can do" I said. "But that won't stop us. At least not me" I said, and sprinting out of the forest. "Hey, wait!" Tiff called. I feel bad that I didn't stop. And I know that they don't know the woods that well. I got to the castle, hopefully the knights are willing to help.

I knocked on the door to the barracks, before opening. "How did you get in?" I asked the waddle dee who was toying with an old mace. "You know you're not supposed to be here, right?" I asked. It nodded, and put the mace to the side. It stood up, getting a spear with a red band by the tip. It bowed, and I did the same to not be rude. "You should probably get out. But before you go. Do you know where Sword and Blade are?" I asked. It nodded again, and got out of the room. It beckoned me to follow. I closed, and locked the door, then followed the waddle dee. It so much calmer than the rest. If it was a "normal" one, it would have panicked the moment I knocked on the door. And now that I think about it, this is the only one I've seen with a bandanna. It lead me to the court yard. Where the knights were, dueling with Meta Knight. I thanked the waddle dee, before it made its way back inside. I sat down on the grass, beside Blade. Sword focusing on the Duel. "How long do you think this will last?" I asked. "It may ta'e th' whol' day" he answered. "Well I can't wait that long. Whispy is in danger" I said. "Hold it" I said, the two knights stopped their duel. "The king is about to chop down Whispy woods for some country club. We can't let the ecosystem be ruined like that" I said. "The kids will take care of the forest. But we should try preventing it from the castle" I said. "The forest is already gone" Sword answered, motioning to where you can see the woods. "No" I said. "There has to be a way to" I said, gazing over the empty field. The only part left is where Acynia is. Not to mention the army of waddle dees building the golf course there. "I'm sorry (Y/N)" Sword said. "Don't give up hope. There is still a way for it to grow again" Meta Knight said. "Whispy. Their King" I mumbled, while thinking. "Kirby, it's all on you now" I said, looking back at the non-forest.

I had been waiting patiently, looking out over the plains, from the wall over the entrance. "You've been here for three hours. Have you even eaten today?" Tiff and Tuff's mother, Lady like asked from inside. I sighed. "I know. I'll just cook something up in the kitchen later" I answered. "Why don't you come and eat with us? You should clear your mind for a bit" Sir Ebrum. Their father added. "I guess I could. Thank you" I said, before following them to the dining hall.

"The two are really wonderful kids. Although Tuff can be a little... impatient" I said. We were chatting about how I've had it the first month, here in the castle. "The two are still young, and I wouldn't want to take away their spirit" I added. Lady like giggled. "It's great to hear that from an outsider" Ebrum said. "Ebrum" Like said, upset. "Don't worry. I don't get offended very easily" I answered. "And I am from outside this planet. Galaxy even. I think I should be called an outsider" I added, chuckling. "We're glad to have you here anyway. You've been a big help to everyone" Like said. "Well, what am I supposed to do after crash landing into your kingdom?" I asked, jokingly. The doors opened, and Bandana dee walked up to me. Telling me to come with it. "Excuse me for a moment" I said, going with the waddle dee.

I lead me to the wall I was on before, pointing to the forest. I smiled, seeing the forest quickly growing again. I got the device from my pocket. "Acynia. Deactivate the shield" I said. They did it. I went down to the barracks, beaming of joy. Not enough to pick them up and spin around, but you know. I don't have to worry about my home being destroyed.  

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