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"Do you remember Jecra?" Metti asked out of nowhere. We're alone in the barracks as we don't have much to do at the moment. "Of course, I do. You were pretty close friends with him" I answered. "That was a bit sudden. What brought it up?" I asked. "Old memories" he answered. "Alright. Just tell me if anything's bothering you" I said. "Wait... is it because it's valentine's?" I asked, not getting an answer. "He was a good guy. You know it's not your fault" I reassured him. I'm pretty sure he didn't have a romantic attraction to him, but they were close. It would be difficult to cope with being forced to kill your best friend. And on valentine's day, no less. I was called outside, and had to leave the Knight. The one calling was Escargoon, and he subtly tried to ask questions about how Valentine's day was on Earth.

I was walking through the hallways, trying to find anything to do. "Lady (Y/N)!" I heard Tiff call. I stopped in my tracks, to let her and Tuff catch up to me. "Morning you two" I said. Tiff handed me a small box, and Tuff gave me a letter. "Happy valentine's day" Tiff said. "Well this is different. Usually I don't get anything" I answered. "Is it some kind of tradition to give everyone you know a gift, here?" I asked. "No, we just thought we'd get you one" Tuff answered. "Well, thanks guys" I gave them a hug. "Love does have many different forms, doesn't it?" I added.

As the kids went off to their friends. (Y/N) continued making her way to where she was headed, unaware of two knights watching her from the corners.

I have to say that I'm quite surprised at how many letters and gifts I've received. I let the bouquets and chocolates stay in the barracks while I'm working. Even if it's already sunset. I sighed, knowing that I'd have to drag them to Acynia soon enough. There's supposedly a valentine's party in town later, too.

I was called to the throne room, just for the king to ram a bouquet of roses, about as big as myself into my face. 'If she isn't the most beautiful creature I've gotten the chance to meet' Thought the green clad knight, hiding in the doorway to the throne room. The other had already gone to town to purchase whatever it was he was going to buy. 'I'd beat myself over the head'

I was making my way through the hallways, trying to get all these gifts back home to Acynia. I don't even know who half of this is from. I can't just throw them away, because they are from people who like me in some way. But the gifts really don't have that much of a meaning to me, as I barely know the people personally. Except for what I got from Tiff and Tuff, Kirby, and Meta Knight. They're nice, and I appreciate the gesture, but gifts from a stranger doesn't have as much meaning as one from a friend. "Lady (Y/N)" I turned back. "Calling each other by title? Sword Knight" I answered, getting a slight chuckle from him. He took off his helm, keeping it under his arm. "I wanted to get you this" he said, handing me a small box, with a letter to it. I opened the box. I gasped lightly, seeing a necklace I've had my eyes on since last year. "You didn't have to" I said, closing the box again. He's good. Too good. I kneeled down to his height, pecking his forehead. "I can't thank you enough" I said, standing back up. "Did you hear something?" I asked. "No?" Sword answered. "Maybe it's just me" I said. I could have sworn someone was running. And something falling. "And before I forget again. If you notice Metti being a little upset today, don't worry. It's today he lost a close friend during the war" I said. "Jecra" he said, noting to me that he's heard the story. "Well then, I should get back to Acynia" I said, and continued to walk back to my ship.

I got back to Acynia, putting most of the gifts aside in a corner. I slumped over the control panel, sighing. There's that party in town. But question is who I'll ask. Galacta is safely off the list. And Metti said he'd be busy, if not he'd keep an eye on Kirby. That would leave me with Sword and Blade. Maybe I can ask both of them. But that just feels weird. Heck it, what other choice do I have? "Acynia. Remind me to get ready by eight" I said. "Understood, captain" she answered. I opened the little box again. Playing with the gold chain of the necklace. Question is what I'll get them. I groaned, hitting my head against the panel. Alright, this is it. I'll get inside. Ask her. And depending on the answer, we'll have to see what happens. The knight thought to himself, making his way to Acynia. I sat back up, hearing a heavy thud against the metal floor. I quickly looked behind me, seeing Blade struggling with a wrapped object, much bigger than himself. He froze in place when I looked over to him, with his hands over the wrapping. I leaned back in the chair, and turned it to face him completely. Smirking, as he was still in the same spot. "You know I can see you" I said. "'o you c'n't'" he quickly answered, making me giggle. After a moment, he took off his helm, put it to the side, and pulled the wrapped object to me. I got up to help him. "I-I go' it for you" he said nervously, trying to talk a bit clearer. "For me?" I said, holding up the wrapped gift beside me. It reaches my armpit, and is pretty heavy. Almost like... I gasped lightly, before opening it. Unwrapping the cloth from the claymore. I felt like jumping off the walls. I went to lean it against a wall, before sprinting back to Blade, picking him up. "Thank you, thank you, thank you" I chanted high pitched, mushing my face to his. I planted a kiss on his cheek, turning them red, before putting him back down. "I... it wa' nothin'" he said. I got the claymore and rushed to the dojo. Practicing on a dummy. "Sturdy. Comfortable grip. And not too heavy" I said to myself. I ended up losing the time. And Acynia reminded me to get ready. Blade returned to the castle, and I went to my room. I found my old midnight blue, layered, dress. That could be a reflection of the night sky itself. When I felt finished, I started making my way to town.

The town was decorated, with lights, and roses. I walked through to the tree in the center. "(Y/N)" Tiff waved. I walked up to her and the gang. "You're beautiful" she said. I thanked her, swaying the skirt of the dress. The layers flowing with grace. "I didn't think I'd still fit in this, considering it's been over 300 year since I last wore it" I said, before being dragged off by her. Into Kawasaki's. And she just left me there.

I sat down on the floor, by a table, inside the dimly lit restaurant. Not too long after, Tiff returned, dragging the two knights inside. "This feels like a set-up" I said, crossing my arms, as Tiff closed the door. The two sat down by my table. "Happy valentines you two" I said. "Oh.. uh-yeah" Sword stuttered. I smirked, raising an eyebrow. I sighed. "I sure feel lonely on valentines. I haven't had anyone to celebrate it with since I left Earth. Not counting my students that is" I said, raising my head slightly. I looked over to a window, seeing Tiff peering inside. She pointed towards the kitchen. I got up and went there, finding a plate with a few pastries. Probably made by Kawasaki. "Reserved for Lady (Y/N)" a note said beside the plate. I picked it up and headed back to the table.

"Look what I found" I said, putting the plate on the table, before sitting back down by the table. Sword, of course, being the first to speak. "We've been talking for a while now. And have come to an agreement" he said. "Oh? And what would that be?" I asked, munching on one of the pink frosted pastries. "I's on'y fo' a day. 'N' we'' li'e t' as' you" Blade continued. "To be our valentine" they both said. I smiled softly. "Alright you two. But you better not start fighting over me" I answered, with a slight chuckle. Tiff walked in, exclaiming that she's proud of the two. And I'm not going to lie, that was adorable.

The rest of the night was really fun. Especially the king who glared at the knights with jealousy whenever I did anything with them. By the end of it, me and the knights. Including Kirby and Metti. We're sitting on the roof of Tuggle's store. Me, mostly being focused on the stars above us. "A lot of these constellations are almost identical to the ones you'd see on Earth" I stated. "D' you eve' miss i'?" Blade asked. "Sometimes, yeah. But I'm still scared of going back" I said. "After 300 years, it'd be a foreign planet to me. No longer the Earth I once knew" I continued, pulling my knees to my chest. "But that's what makes you brave, is it not?" Sword asked. Taking a sentence I've said before. "Bravery isn't about not being scared. But overcoming that which scares you" I repeated what I've told the kids. I paused for a moment. "Perhaps... someday, I'll check up on it" I said, returning my focus to the night sky. "Wait... what's that?" I squinted towards the sky. A red speck glowing bright. My eyes widened, when I realized what it was. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2021 ⏰

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