A little box.

Confused, I opened it and found a little syringe, a note, a clean blanket, and two bottles of water. The note said:

"Don't think that I've forgotten about you little one. When they ask you about the sun, your best bet is the seventeenth of July, where we first danced to 'You and I'."


Ok I don't have time for Dr. Seuss riddles right now. I rush down the stairs and get to CJ's side.

"Ok CJ. You gotta help me out a little."

He gave me that look that pleaded with me to understand his situation.

"Buddy, I know it'll hurt you a little- or a lot- to move, but we're almost there. Just a few steps and we'll make it. Please CJ. Please. I'm not leaving you here." The tears in my eyes might've been an aid in getting him to agree.

Reluctant, he put his weight on my shoulder and to be completely honest, I was expecting something way more heavier; but I didn't say anything. We climbed up the stairs, step by step, until we finally made it all the way up. I put the box on the floor and sat him comfortably; securing him in place.

"What's in the box?" He asked.

"I found it on the chair." I shrugged, showing him the contents.

As he was going through the items, he held the syringe in his hands; awestruck.

"No way in hell this is what I think it is!" He exclaimed.


"I heard these uncles from hell made a serum that could cure cancer but I don't know. Maybe...maybe it's worth checking out? I literally have nothing to lose." He said, extremely defeated.

"I don't know CJ. I don't trust them, but maybe whoever wrote this letter purposely left it here." I concluded, taking out the paper note and showing it to him.

He took a while to read it and think it through.

"What the hell does this crap even mean?" He breathed out.

"I don't know. But we can figure it on our way out of this dump. So tell me, where do we go from here."

He took a while to scout the area and a few minutes later he finally spoke.

"Where the hell? I've never seen this place before. They must've changed locations when they brought us here?" He looked around; confused.

"Dude, you just gave me directions when you told me to leave without you."

"What? When?" He replied, looking genuinely confused. "Ow my head really hurts Alexis."

What in the name of many hecks is going on? Oh my God was that a side effect of the crap poison the put into him? I had to make sure.

"CJ, what was the name of our history teacher last year?"

I ask him that because Miss Rayan was his favorite teacher. He would help her out with stuff after school, she tutored him and he always got great marks,  and she even gave him a $500 Amazon gift card. He was sad when she retired at the end of the year and was absolutely devastated when she died a few months later.

"Um. I think it was... um, I think... I really don't know." He said, really confused and distraught. "What's wrong with me? What the hell is..." he trailed off, looking at the syringe. "This is my only way of finding out what's wrong." He said as he injected it into his bloodstream.

"CJ what the hell are you doing? What if it's a poison? They could be trying to kill you!"

"Trying to kill me? That was already a sealed deal when they injected me with whatever poison they gave me a month ago!" He cried out, but I understood his pain. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have lashed out at you like that. I think maybe go left from here and we'll see where that takes us." He said as I fastened his seatbelt and covered him with the blanket.

The Girl They Never NoticedWhere stories live. Discover now