Chapter 12

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Dear readers, I will use this time to tell you of an important chemical compound by the name of sodium bicarbonate.

In cooking, sodium bicarbonate is primarily used in baking as a leavening agent. When it reacts with acid, carbon dioxide is released, which causes expansion of the batter and forms the characteristic texture and grain in pancakes, cakes, quick breads, soda bread, and other baked and fried foods. Acidic compounds that induce this reaction include phosphates, cream of tartar, lemon juice, yogurt, buttermilk, cocoa, and vinegar. It can be used together with sourdough, which is acidic, making a lighter product with a less acidic taste.

But what many don't know it that this is one of the ingredients in making fire extinguishers. When heated sodium bicarbonate becomes sodium carbonate. In this process water and carbon dioxide is released stopping the fire.

So for your safe keep sodium bicarbonate with you in the case of any Vainglorious Fire Defeats to show off at your fellow volunteers.
"As much as I enjoy seeing you work Einstein, I fear your ingenuity has become ill-effecting your brother so if it will be possible to pause on your inventing.......this is not going to work," Bertrand Baudelaire said pacing back and forth just outside of his dear daughters room as he sees her fiddle and tinker away at what was once a broken chandelier, parts of a water hose, bagpipes she found in the front yard, and multiple small fans she made two years.

"Maybe this was not the best idea...," he said as he watched his daughter continue on.

"It's very rude to stare, if your going to want to talk then at least start with an ice breaker or bring in some tea," Violet Baudelaire said as she turn to see her father clearly feeling bothered by the idea of being watched.
"Pro Bono."

"It means 'For the good,' it's a shortened phrase of 'pro bono publico,' meaning 'for the greater good.' The term refers to doing work without pay as a donation of services."

"Cum laude."

"It means 'with honor'. The term is often used in diplomas to indicate a graduate has earned honors.

"Carpe diem."

"It means 'Seize the day'. The term was coined by Horace, a Roman poet, to encourage to live life to the fullest.

"Vice versa."

"That ones easy, 'The position being reversed'. It's a phase that used after a sentence to show it makes sense if swapped of two parts for each other," Klaus Baudelaire said answering his mother's questions in there game on Latin.

"Well I'm beat. I've tried just about every phase in the book and have not fouled you once," Beatrice sighed as she puts down the book of Latin words and phrases.

"I learn Latin when I was six, I'm probably the most smartest kid in the world, I'm technically a grown up," Klaus said pridefully bragging.

"Oh, well, if that's the case then I guess you no longer want me to read to you since your 'technically a grown up," Beatrice said teasing her son as he immediately answered back with a worried tone about losing his story time with his mother which made her laugh.

But soon Klaus stopped and looked at his mother worriedly.


"Yes Klaus."

"Is everything going to be fine in the end," klaus said nervously.

"The end of what," she asked at the odd question.

Dear Readers, please do understand that Klaus, a boy with the knowledge now of death coming to the Baudelaire doorsteps, was not sure of what to say to his beloved mother.

If he spoke of death will it only bring it near.

Or say nothing and see where the road takes him.

"Th-the end of the book we were reading," klaus said fast enough to not draw suspension.

"Well you wont know till the end."
"Would you care for some assistance?" Bertrand said as he enters his daughters room carrying a tray of ice tea and shortbread cookies.

"I would, but I'm not sure this would peak your interest," Violet said as she struggles to connect together the hoses which only made her wish to be in her older body and not struggling with grabbing multiple objects with her tiny child hands.

"We wouldn't know until we try, now, let's see," Bertrand said getting a closer look and after 2 full minutes was left clueless.

"Einstein. What exactly is it your trying to invent," Bertrand said as he looks at his daughter not sure if she was making a giant sprinkler or a octopus by the design drawings.

Violet giggled at the nickname her father gave her remembering since long ago having been called that since her first invention.

"This is a model for a fire foam sprayer that's suppose to spray out foam when it detects there is a fire in the house."

"And, if I might ask what got you so worried about fires now," He asked curiously.

"Nothing much, just the thought that we are left completely unguarded in the case of such an emergency," Violet said as she look at her hands in which she felt completely useless.

"That's a reasonable answer, but a bit to mature for a 10 year old. Wouldn't you want to fix the hand held egg beater that your mother broke last week."

"But I fixed that already," Violet said clearly remembering having cleaned, polish, and mend the blue handled beater.

"But I just saw it broken this morning."

"What!" Violet said as quickly hurried off to the kitchen unknowing of her fathers activities that follow after in which he will gravely regret in the future.
"Busted. Broken. Beyond repair.," Violet said as she sobbed looking at the poor defenseless eggbeater as she toke it outside to the trash bin.

Dear readers, I hope that when being outside in the dark after a long day of reading, inventing, or clown burglary, when hearing the sound of tapping, clicking of high heels coming from behind, be warned.

This will lead two possible options; one, a lady reading 'The Invisible Man' is coming from behind.

Two, a masked figure with sword shaped high heels is coming to kill you and cut your hair for the fun of it.

Both happened.

"Oh dear, are you alright?," the tapping heels lady that had thrown the book at clicking heeled lady.

"I'm fine. That was an impressive throw," Violet said still surprised from the scene.

"Thank you. Although it is a shame that people could not learn by the use in primitive functions otherwise I'd be throwing books more often," the lady said in a pleased tone.

Violet held her breath. She new this voice.



A series of peculiar events through a new timeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ