Chapter 2

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Dear reader in this chapter, as you read, there will be three words used to best explain the mood, as well as the behavior, of Violet Baudelaire in the hope that you, dear reader, will understand just what is to be expected. The words are Lost, Confusion, and Wonder. Now these words are very simple and that it would surprise me if they weren't. But if you don't know these words well know them now.

Lost, this is the word that can best explain how Violet Baudelaire felt when she woke up that morning in her childhood bed.

Although it would be strange to be lost because one would figure that they had grown up in there room so there is no reason for one to be lost in there own room, but this is not the case for Violet because this room should not even exist anymore.

This is the very childhood bed that had been in the second floor of her childhood home that had been burned down years ago; so as I said.

Violet Baudelaire felt lost.

But it wasn't just the childhood bed that left her lost but the sound of humming and the sweet smell of maple syrup coming from down stairs.

As she got up from her bed and walked down the stairs the humming became clearer and as she saw the beautiful women in the kitchen, she couldn't help but cry.

If you have ever had to be in the situation of losing a family member close to you it's common to feel a great sense of pain and sadness but if you have been in the situation of seeing a lost family member that is now alive, well, no words can describe the feelings Violet felt seeing her mother.

"Mother.....", Violet said in whisper as she rushed to her mother in fear that this was nothing more then a dream and that the minute she was to embrace her, will be gone.
Confusion, this is the word used to explain how Violet felt having sat down, eating freshly made pancake covered in maple syrup, topped with whipped cream and fruit picked this morning.

They tasted wonderfully delicious, in fact to delicious to be a dream.

Everything felt to real.

It felt to real when her father came to the room and ruffed her hair in a playful manner as he sat down and began to read the Daily Punctilio muttering little comments to himself about the articles.

It felt to real when Klaus came to the room reading a book in his hand, careful walking around so to not to bump into anything.

It all felt to real, but she remember this day. Back when she was little. This was forty years ago.

So, it came to Violet conclusion to tell if this is real or not.

"Mother," Violet said in a questionable tone.

"Yes, is everything alright," Beatrice said to her daughter expecting a common question she would ask, like what would a sun dial be used for in the modern age or can a chicken survive without its feather, to which Klaus would help answer or look in concern as to why the chicken lost its feathers.

But that did not happen.

Now what is about to happen, I will warn you now, will be the cause of family tension.

Family tension being in a sense that someone was to react in a way that will bring concern or question the the family.

Like for example if you said you were going to run away with the circus and marry a clown, this would bring family tension if your parents had a fear of clowns. If you were to have a elephant in the library wearing a fireman suit, there will be family tension until someone asks why there is an elephant in the room.

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