Chapter 3

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It appears dear reader I need to side track from this story and tell your the tale of 'The Legend of Jasmine Dragon Pearl Green Tea'.

It a story more then 800 years old and starts with a brother and sister that lived in the outskirts of a small village.
When their parents died, the children worked everyday to get enough food to live by. One winter, the brother got very sick and there where no doctors around that could help him. Then, an old woman told the sister about a magic dragon who helped those people in need. The girl, leaving her brother under the old lady's care, went to look for the dragon. She wandered for a long time and until she came to find his cave, surrounded by beautiful jasmine bushes. She told the dragon about her brother and he promised to help her. The dragon soaring into the sky, then gave a ominous cry making a beautiful pearl appeared on his neck. A small drop fell from the pearl and onto the ground, where a beautiful tea bush sprouted. The dragon said to the girl to take care of the bush and then disappeared. It rained hard the whole day but the girl looked after the bush not leaving its side even for a moment. Finally, small long leaves appeared on the bush. The girl gathered from the most delicate leaves from the top of each branch, dried them next to jasmine flowers, and made delicate beads, like the one that hung around the neck of a dragon. Returning home, she brewed some tea from the leaves and the house was soon filled with the wonderful aroma of jasmine. Having tasted the miracle drink, her brother quickly recovered.

As Violet Baudelaire sat down in the home of Justice Strauss holding a cup of green tea taking in the aroma of jasmine she could help but think of 'The Legend of Jasmine Dragon Pearl Green Tea', having heard the story from her husband after buying a jasmine green tea farm that was perfect in keeping hidden the family archives of previous VFD members, as well as the accessing the jade mine that was stumbled upon by her brother-in-law.

"I'm sorry if I'm troubling you Justice Strauss," Violet said in a quiet demeanor.

"Oh it's fine dear, it actually nice to have someone over. I hardly have any time for making friends because of my time in work, although it's strange. I don't remember given you my name?" Justice Strauss said looking at Violet curiously.

"That's because I read on previous cases involving money fraud and child involvement then came across your name. Much of your work is quiet interesting and well diverse, I found it quiet impressive." Violet said immediately and although she didn't lie, she didn't tell all the truth either. It would be strange if a ten year old child said that they met four years in the future under very similar yet different circumstances.

"Well it is strange to meet a child who reads about the law but when I was 10 years old read about the law too. Although I don't quite understand what it is that brought you here," Justice Strauss said, bewildered at the thought that a child would be at the front of her house in a storm and then starts to talk about the law.

"Well.....I went out for a walk in hope of getting answers to things I'm not sure of.....and when I thought of a way to find an answer, I came to here, but..... I'm not sure if this is the answer I was hoping for....,"Violet said not fully sure how to explain it. She knew now there was a house with a man, but to say this was the man she knew as Count Olaf is unknown. Then not even sure if even if this was Count Olaf then will she have to live her life as if this was a series of unfortunate events that will never change no matter how many time it's looked over and over and over again.

"Well, there's people in the world that no matter how much they look they will never find the answer they want to know, but that's not a bad thing. For all anyone can know, this the answer you need to know; even when the answer does not help you in the end. The best you can do is work with what you do know." Said Justice Strauss trying her best to understand the child.

Now this may have been a strange answer to give to a young child, enough to make them have to repeat the words in there head, enough to make them have to repeat the words in there head, enough to make them have to repeat the words in there head, until they understand just what this psychological answer meant.

But to Violet this gave her an idea.

Now dear reader, an idea as you might know,I hope, is when a person has come up with a thought and this thought leads to a reaction, like when a person comes up with the thought to have a pet fish like snake that can eat the fire-stopping side submarine that holds a captain and his children, as well as three children that have the last name meaning a awkward, complex, or hazardous situation in a whole then spit them out three days later to a secret base dedicated in teaching them information in how to stop fires.

In this case, Violet Baudelaire had the idea that this was the answer to a new series in her life. To prevent a fire and, to prevent death.



Klaus Baudelaire was not a normal boy.

A normal boy would not enjoy the smell of old books and ink.

A normal boy would not spend his free time reading big choppy books about lucid dream, understanding the human mind, and the history of clocks.

And Klaus was fine with not being normal.

But, it was very normal for a boy to be bothered by the knowledge of your parent whispering to each other while watching you and it would be very normal for every time he hears the loud sounds of thunder to look at at the window in worry of his sister who has yet to return.

And it is normal for a boy to shriek in fright when someone yells out there name after having slammed a door open.

And finally, it is normal to be confused to tears having been pulled by his sister to her room.


"Violet, do I need to call a doctor...." Klaus said as he plays with his hands as he watches Violet place black chalkboard paint on her wall after carefully peeling back the flowery wallpaper, and emptying her cork board of papers and pictures.

"No need," Violet said finishing up putting the paint on the wall.

"Can I at least know where you went. I was worried. The rain was pouring hard, and the thunder was really loud, and it was getting dark, and and and...," klaus said sniffling, getting ready to cry.

"Klaus...." Violet said stopping him from beginning to crying, comforting the eight year old rubbing his back.

"I believe it's time to answer some questions."

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