Chapter 4

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Dear reader, I will use this moment right now to help explain a guide to parenting.

Parenting is when parents, often a mother and father, would guide a child or children that are under there care.

Wither it be teaching the child to mail a letter or to guide them though a thunderstorm while parachuting using two kites sewn together.

Now there is no one way guide to parenting but what the Baudelaire parents will do next would probably be bad parenting on there part.

"We're good parents right?" Beatrice said looking to Bertrand.

Beatrice Baudelaire is a kind, well looking woman that would put her family first in a situation most dear. She, like her daughter, would put her hair back with a ribbon especially when it came to thinking in the arts. Being well known for her creative writing and directing/acting in the theater, as well as being known for her critic in Baroque and neoclassicism artwork.

"Well, not perfect but I think we did fine when it comes to parenting given the fact that we've been keeping life changing secrets from them since they were born." Bertrand said in a calm demeanor knowing well one of them needs to be calm at the moment.

Bertrand Baudelaire was a calm and collected man with a sense of humor, known for his skills in politics and engineering, as well as speaking six languages; English, French, Latin, Spanish, Russian, Hindi, German, Mandarin; and has a tendency of shifting his glasses when thinking.

"Don't place the blame on me now." Beatrice said with a stern voice.

"I'm not blaming you my dear, all I am saying is that we've might have jumped to conclusions. She asked what your thoughts were on the volunteer fire department not if you were part of a secret organization named the Volunteer Fire Department," Bertrand said adjusting his glasses having finished telegramming an old friend.

"But, for her to ask this, no matter her intensions, is strange, especially with the mid-tier branch meeting tomorrow."

"But that's impossible, the meeting was set to take place next week?!?" Beatrice said now in a fright knowing that if the fire-starters were meeting early there was trouble afoot.

Trouble afoot mean that trouble was lurking near by. A example of this would be if there was a psychotic beekeeper using bees to transport pills of poison and drop them in bowls of soup then the individual eating the mushroom soup would know there is trouble afoot hearing the sound of bees.

"Nothing is impossible in are line of work. Although it's troublesome we won't be alone, Matthew and Angela will be joining us" Bertrand said with a smirk taking off his glasses and place of them in his shirt pocket.

Matthew Quagmire, was an old classmate to Bertrand Baudelaire, a talented nature photographer and marksman, as well as the co-director of VFD along with a man named Jacque Snicket.

Angela Quagmire, before marriage known as Angela Brunhild was a partnered with Beatrice in the time as new volunteers; a graceful ballet and ballroom dancer that is well versed in multiple forms of hand-to-hand combat fighting as elegantly as she dance; and is a yoga instructor.

"Well, that solves one problem but we can't leave the kids alone, it to dangerous....."

"All ready taken care of, I called an old friend," Bertrand said stopping his wife.



"So you mean to tell me you have memories of are future but is your past and I have a little sister named Sunny and when we are going to become orphans in three years and have to live with a mad man that literally makes are lives a living hell, not to mention are parents are part of some cult organization that we will be a part of," klaus said looking at his sister like she lost her mind.

"Yes," Violet said.

Violet Baudelaire having barley explain to her brother of the future and was not expecting him to believe her, but by a long shot felt that having explaining something to him would cause him to remember the future like she has or at least not get a look of concern at her.

She got neither.

Klaus took in a long breath and looked deep in thought then to his sister.

"Prove it."

"How?!? Isn't mother's reaction enough, why do you need more," Violet said knowing there wasn't much she could prove. If she said there was a tunnel under the house, he would said that it could be a long cellar or a entrance way to a bomb shelter not to mention if he goes inside, the minute he sees a spider he'll run out screaming.

If she said to come out to a walk to the house of Count Olaf, he'll think that she would be telling the truth as much as another kid saying the house was haunted.

If she took him to meet his future wife, then that would bring a whole other conversation to the table......

" much as I want to believe you, but....this is too.....absurd to believe, it like saying here was a snake that eats apples instead of eggs," Klaus said with an apologetic look.

Then a thought came to Violet by the last words Klaus said.

"Uncle Monty"

"Who,"Klaus said unfamiliar with the name.

"Dr.Montgomery Montgomery, he was a Herpetologist and was are guardian before...." Violet said not being able to continue.

"Before what?" Klaus said intrigued that he finally got a reasonable answer even though that just brought up the thought that if this mans first name Montgomery and his last name Montgomery but figure he'll ask that later.

But before she was able answer the question the door opened to reveal Bertrand Baudelaire.

"Children, pack up some clothes, your going to be staying at over at your uncle's house overnight."

The Baudelaire children knew, they don't have an uncle, at least not yet.

"Mother, how long are we going to stay," Klaus said as he was look at the changing scenery from the city to an orchard.

"It shouldn't be long dear, just for the night and maybe till the afternoon of tomorrow," Beatrice said.

"Have we met this uncle of ares?," Klaus said as the scenery started to get more shady as the orchard they pasted were looking more dry and rotten, as the smell of horse radish filled the air of the car.

"Not formally but Dr. Montgomery is well inform of you two." Bertrand said while looking at the scenery while driving.

Klaus's body became rigged when hearing the name of Dr. Montgomery, the same name said by his sister just hours ago.

Soon they arrived, passing though a gate seeing a beautiful maze that reminded him of coiled snakes surrounding a beautiful orange painted house and in front of the house stood two men.

One man that looked a couple years then his parents, short, had red hair with light eyes the other man looked easily five years younger then his parents, having a thinner and taller appearance.

"Why hello hello hello Baudelaires, it's so good to finally meet you children."

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