Chapter 6

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Dear readers, I will use this time to inform you of the red striped shelled turtle.

The red striped shelled turtle can be often found in the swampy areas in west Winnipeg where they whistle in groups of four, often when they hear the sounds of sadness from a lonely crocodile although they are endanger because of people hunting down there shells because of there unique smell of a mix of peppermint and passion fruit.

So dear reader protect these lovable, whistling, peppermint passion fruit smelling turtles if you are ever given the chance.

Violet Baudelaire was stilling on the bed in the second floor of Uncle Monty's home writing down as much as she can remember of her future-past. Then looked to her right to see her brother still sound asleep. Violet would have been asleep too, but the sound of a very lonely crocodile and the whistling of four red striped turtles managed to wake her from her slumbers.

"I didn't think I would be back here so soon," Violet said to herself as she looked at all the miscellaneous pieces of paper with various pieces of information she remembers although realizing now that she needed a folder or common book that she could hold it all which only proceeded her to leave the room in search of one.

As she walked around in her search she couldn't help but pay attention to detail around the house, like the wall paper that reminded her of scales on a lizard and taking more notice of the pictures on the walls and stop at the picture on a piano.

Although it was strange to have a picture of just a piano but, she knew at inside of the piano help trapped uncle Monty and her parents when they were her age, well, when she was 14, though she finds it intriguing how they managed to do that.

She walk down the stairs humming to the whistle of the red striped shelled turtles and as she was going down the stairs she continued on to the hallway between the stairs to go into the reptile room.

The reptile room was a hidden room inside Dr. Montgomery's house holding the greatest collection of reptiles and amphibians in the world, and to hide it is an ingenious safe door with the need of two keys, three combinations, two eye scans, and the grip strength of a fully grown python to open it.

Or, you can turn the knob and it'll open like any other normal door.

Violet Baudelaire recognize this door very well. The door was the only object to survive the fire that had taken the life of this house along with its memories.

She remembered the day she came back to this place when she was 24 years old, being kidnapped by the new chief-director of VFD of the time.

By then this place had a new building and was given the name "The West Garden of Eden".

A facility that trains different animals like crows, jellyfish, eagles, snakes, lions, toads, and moles.

But what it more well known for were their Vigilant Fire Dogs that we're trained by the chief-director since he was young; being able to smell smoke from far away and have an utmost loyalty to there owner, going as far as killing there opponent if there master wishes to.

I remembers going against one myself, although, barley getting out of it alive....

But going back to the present, Violet Baudelaire was about to open the door but just before she could, someone spoke up.

"Has anyone ever told you, not to go off wondering around in other people's homes," Dr. Gustav Sebald, Dr. Montgomery's assistant said standing by the now open front door holding what appears to be two brown paper bags full of groceries, wearing a stern anger expression on his face.

"Has anyone ever been told the phrase 'children tend to wonder'," Violet said having a similar expression on her face stepping closer to him.

"And no ones seems to have told you the phase of 'respect your elders', young Baudelaire ," Gustav said stepping closer to her making it clear to Violet how dangerous the man looked.

Gustav Sebald, a tall muscular man with a big scar on his left check stretching to his neck, that had a tendency to wear black and a well known film director, that hid secret messages called Sebald code in his work. Violet never got the chance to meet him being the fact that he had been....removed from the world by Count Olaf.

"And no ones seem to have taught you how to handle children properly, Mr. Sebald," Violet said now having a starring contest against him, waiting to see who moved first.

Klaus was never the type of person to wake early but when the screeching sound of an iguana clock comes to the ears, waking because the immediate response. So I'm going to ask dear reader not to make fun or the young 8 year old Klaus and his girly scream.

"Ouch....." Klaus said as he slowing gets up from having tumbled down on the floor, from his place on the bed.

"Doubt you knew about the clock Violet," Klaus said sarcastically and then looks at Violets bed only to now notice it empty.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no," Klaus says frantically now getting up and looking for his sister think of the worst possible outcomes that a mentally unstable person can do without supervision.

Now I understand that, by now Dear Readers that why hasn't Klaus believed his sister, well it's simple.

Time travel is impossible and no matter how many books he read not a single non-fiction book said it was possible, so why should he believe it now.

Although he did find it weird that Violet knew about Dr. Montgomery and how she knew he'd wanted them to call him Uncle Monty, for all he could know, she probably just hear there parents talk about him but that was beyond the point, at the moment, was he was worried about was of his sister, that is, until he hears laughing in the hall between the pair of stairs.

With a better view now saw what appeared to be a safe door wide open and inside stood Uncle Monty, Dr. Sebald, and his sister eating boiled eggs and jammed toast.

"When your father and I were in Peru looking for the smooth-fronted caiman I came across a very angry leather back sea turtle wearing a red sun hat, it nearly bit my toe right off, it sure did laugh seeing my surprised face, Bertrand toke the picture just in time to catch my expression, and was laughing hysterically for the next three days," Uncle Monty said laughing at the memory as he pointed out the picture in the worn photo book in Violet's hands. 

"Good morning Klaus," Violet says noticing her brother slowing walking in clearly still wearing a panicky surprised face.

"G-good morning," Klaus said with a stutter taking in the scene of a calm Violet, food in the table, and the giant glass room filled with cages of reptiles and amphibians, some he didn't recognize and could only stare in aw.

"I hope you like boiled eggs and toast, I'm not exactly the best cook but I can assure you nothings burned," Gustav said holding a plate to klaus.

"It's fine, still better then my fathers cooking, he managed to melt the frying pan making cereal," klaus said taking hold of the plate while Gustav stared speechless and confused in how Bertrand made cereal.

"I hope you two eat good Baudelaires, were going to very busy today. First will go to the docks to pick up live sardines for the alligators then we'll head to the zoo to check on the boa exhibit to make sure the enclosure is meeting the proper standers for a 13 inch boa, and finally we'll go to the movies now how does that sound Baudelaires," Uncle Monty said almost jumping from excitement.

"That sounds fun Uncle Monty," Violet said not knowing how the day will go or who she will meet.

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