Chapter 9

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Dear readers, I will use this time now to inform you on the preparation of ice cream.

First you must stir together sugar, cream, and milk into a saucepan over an over in low heat until sugar has dissolved and the mixture is hot enough to make a small ring of foam appears around the edge.

Next is to transfer the cream mixture to a container such as a large measuring cup, stirring in extract of your choosing and leave to chill for at least 2 hours.

Then comes time to pour the ice cream mix into an ice cream maker and churn.

Finally, when the ice cream is softly frozen, serve immediately or, as Sunny Baudelaire would do, place a piece of plastic wrap directly on the ice cream to leave in freezer. 

I hope that if you did read the instructions of how to make ice cream as how I described. Your ice cream will turn out better then Duncan Quagmire horrid excuse of strawberry ice cream turn out during his time journaling in Africa. 
As Angela Quagmire knocked on the door of her children's room holding with her with a tray bowls of ice cream each a different flavor and coming in the room after having no answer sees the triplets lying down covered with blankets on one bed; Quigley's bed in particular because he couldn't really move given his broken leg and dislocated shoulder but still, they lied there, not bothering to look at there mother knowing well of what she intended to accomplish.

Duncan, Quigley, and Isadora knew well that there Mother, when telling bad news, would bring each of them a bowl of ice cream covered with whip cream, chocolate syrup and a cherry to top it off; one of chocolate, one of vanilla, and one of strawberry.

"Duncan." Angela said but saw no movement.

"Isadora." She said only to see a slight squirm.

"Quigley, I know your awake, you snore like your father when asleep," Angela said removing the blanket covering them to see puppies- I mean triplets with sadden faces.

"It's bad to lie
If someone dies," Isadora said looking away from her mother.

"Your father isn't dying, his been through way worse-"

"WhAt," Duncan and Isadora said stopping there mother while Quigley's mouth was occupied, being stuff with chocolate ice cream and whip cream covering his face; but, right now, Angela sees she had said to much.

"I know this sounds bad but your going to have to trust me-

"I don't want you to lose you..." isadora said between sobs hugging her mother.

"It's ok, it's ok," Angela said calming her daughter.

"Your not going to lose me. I'll alway be with you, especially when you need me the most. I will alway be there."

And with that said left the family to hug and cry.......until Quigley yelling out brain freeze having eaten his and his siblings bowls of ice cream.

"Shouldn't you be sick?!?" Duncan yelled at him having watched as Quigley ate his strawberry ice cream in 5 minutes.

"Ice creams not going to make me sick," Quigley said which proceeded to give him a coughing fit.

"Oh yes, just like how it isn't your fault falling into the creek, getting you sick to begin with," Isadora said sarcastically, clearly use to her brothers childish behavior and way of pushing the blame as it was not his fault.

"It wasn't! How many time do I have to say it. The sun got in my eyes cause me to see an illusion which lead to me falling into the creek," Quigley said hysterically waving his arms around.

But it was to no avail, having already been called a lie.

An example of the situation would be the story of the boy that cried wolf.

The story goes as a boy taking care of his sheep's has played a game on the towns people in calling wolf when there wasn't until the day that there was a wolf that the townspeople didn't not believe the boy which led the boy to lose all his sheep.

And for Quigley, having a hallucination about being on a slippery slope with a girl that will haunt his very dreams, not being able to remember her face, has now been looked down on by his siblings in how the, so called illusion, sounded.

But there is no blame in not believing there brother after the story of seeing a snake do sign language to a man wearing a salon suit, or the story of seeing a smelly rude girl with red curls thinking she is the most cutest and prettiest girl in the whole wide world.

And these were the stories that sounded the most believable.

Leave it to you Quigley to come up with the most bizarre a stories, probably enough to make a series; let's get you to rest," Angela said getting a bottle black liquid medicine.

"B-but I'm still hungry," Quigley pleaded.

"Then you can eat carrots."

"But I hate carrots...." Quigley grumbled going into his normal sleeping position.

"How long is Quigley going to be stuck here. As much as love him....." Duncan said but was interrupted by Quigley sneezing into his hand and rubbed it on Isadora's bed only for Quigley to be hit on the head with a newspaper.

"I want him gone," Duncan finished.

"Well it wouldn't hurt to go the movies," Angela said then heard to. Yes's and a no.

"Two out of three,
Good enough for me," she said walking out the door which left a giggling Isadora and a grumpy Quigley.

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