"oh yeah, i need to go home now," mark said as he remembered he had work tomorrow.

donghyuck tilted up his head, watching mark trying to pry off the covers from his legs, "w-wait you're still sick!"

"i'm okay now," mark said and wore his abandoned shoes.

"but mark your car is still parked near the store," donghyuck didn't know why he felt disappointed, seeing the latter wanted to leave.

"i still can take the bus or taxi or whatever,"

"there'll be none,"

"it's still early i can still--"

"can't you just stay?" donghyuck cut mark's words, "..please?"

mark tilted his head in confusion before chuckling, "why?"

donghyuck blinked his eyes. yes, why donghyuck? why? what had gotten into him?

"u-uh i-it's okay you don't have to," donghyuck turned away from mark as he felt his face was burning up to the tip of his ears.

can you please act sane?! donghyuck cursed inside his head once again.

mark walked toward him slowly and wrapped his arms around the tanned male's tiny waist. donghyuck tensed as he felt mark's toned chest was pressed against his back. mark's body temperature was radiating against him.

"actually, i don't want to leave either," mark whispered next to donghyuck's ear that sent shivers down his spine.

mark twirled him around so he could face the cute human, "look at me."

donghyuck was shy so he raised his head slowly, biting his lip and met eyes with mark as mark pulled him closer.

"i'll stay okay?" mark smiled and tucked donghyuck's hair behind his ear.

"okay," donghyuck breathed out.

mark planted a soft kiss on donghyuck's forehead and pulled away, seeing the latter's eyes went big, "you're cute."

donghyuck huffed and hit mark's chest playfully, "i'm not!"

mark chuckled as donghyuck went to his closet and took out his pajamas and ran inside the bathroom, locking it.

"why am i like this? this is not healthy donghyuck. you've just met him," donghyuck muttered to himself as he held his chest that was thumping crazily.

donghyuck shook his head, calming himself before he changed into his pajamas.

mark sat on the bed, looking around the room. he smirked at the thought of donghyuck's behavior around him. he was confident that he had already made the latter to have a feeling toward him. even the slightest one was already enough for mark.

this is easier than what i thought, mark wandered.

"m-mark? you can borrow my shirt if you want," donghyuck's tiny voice was heard and mark immediately stood up to look at him.

"sure," mark gave him a sweet smile and took the clothes from donghyuck's hands, making sure to brush his hand with him.

it was crazy how mark had his effect on donghyuck . his scent, his aura, his behavior, it made donghyuck thinking why it affected him so much. he never failed to make donghyuck's heart to beat faster than usual. donghyuck wasn't sure what was this feeling he was experiencing but he knew, it wasn't normal.

and what donghyuck didn't know was, this feeling would lead him to a dangerous path.

donghyuck laid on the bed as he felt tiredness started to take over his body. but he snapped his eyes open when he heard mark went out from the bathroom. donghyuck's clothes looked smaller but not tight on mark. mark went to the couch and laid there.

donghyuck pouted, "mark.. you can sleep here." donghyuck patted the space beside him.

mark looked at donghyuck as he sat up, "are you sure?"

donghyuck nodded as he played with his fingers, "it's not like we're going to do anything.." donghyuck muttered softly.

mark smiled and laid beside donghyuck as donghyuck followed his action.

"go to sleep, i know you're tired carrying me earlier," mark said as he scooted closer to donghyuck.

donghyuck bit back his smile and did the same, "just wake me up if you want the medicine."

"it's okay, i can manage," mark reassured.

donghyuck glanced up at the latter before tearing his eyes off from him, pulling the cover to hide half of his blushing face, "goodnight mark."

mark also felt his body sore and closed his eyes, "goodnight too donghyuck."

and they went off to dreamland. 


|to be continued|

i know i have only a few readers but i'm thankful that you guys manage to discover and read this book. thank you for the support! 🖤🖤🖤

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