"I've never been a fan of candy." he said.
I dramatically gasped.
"No way."
Tony laughed at my response before shrugging his shoulders.
"I prefer chocolate." He said smirking at me.
I rolled my eyes at his double meaning.
"You know chocolate technically is candy." I said making him now roll his eyes.

"You just can't let me be cute and cheesy in peace." He said as he picked up a gummy worm and fed it to me.

"Hey keep it PG."

I turned around to find Lauren's sister coming from what seemed like nowhere.
I let out an excited squeal at the sight of Lauren's younger and very pregnant sister.
"Erin!" I said as I pulled her in for a hug.
"You're so pregnant!" I said I stepped back and took a good look at her.

"Yeah I'm ready to pop any minute now." She said with a laugh before rubbing her belly. "I'm ready for this little boy to stop freeloading off of me."
Erin was the spitting imagine if Lauren but She had just always been shorter and more curvy. Her hair , unlike Lauren's, was usually bone straight. She always had a large infectious smile which is why we easily became friends.

I suddenly realized that Tony was awkwardly standing to the side.
"Agh how could I be so rude , Erin this is my boyfriend , Tony , and Tony this is Erin , Lauren's little sister."

"Tony , I've heard a lot about you." She said as they shook hands.

"I hope all good things." Tony responded.

"Definitely all good things , I think all the men are excited to meet you. Lauren made sure to let everyone know who Aubrey's mystery man was."

I immediately cringed at the thought of what Lauren could've told everyone.
As much as I loved her , she had a tendency to tell everyone , everything. Even when it wasn't any of her business.

Tony turned to me with a raised eyebrows to which I just shrugged to.
"I think I should introduce him to everyone"I said.

I had been introduced to more people than I ever could remember. Each person gave me the stern talking to about making sure not to hurt Aubrey. It felt like I was meeting her real family.
In addition to the intimidation , it had become even more obvious now that I was the only white person at this party which was another thing people kept pointing out.

I had somehow ended up in the kitchen with the girls. And it was clear that they were holding back on their conversations because of my presence. I wasn't surprised when Lauren suggested I go and find Keith.
I hadn't seen him yet but apparently he was in the garage looking for something.

Not wanting to look like an even more clingy boyfriend I followed the directions to the garage to find him. I was dreading meeting him.
From what I had heard about him , I was already sure we wouldn't get along.

I found the garage door ajar and before I could enter I heard a male voice speaking in a hushed tone.

"Listen baby I'll come see you tonight okay." The deep voice said loud enough for me to make out every word clearly.

" I'm just held up at work then I'll come see you." He said

This was obviously Keith.
Having heard enough I knocked on the door and walked in.
He casually waved me in and continued on the phone.

Maybe this wasn't Keith.
I started to doubt that it was him.  He's nonchalant attitude was not one of a man who had just gotten caught.

"I'll call you back later , yes I love you too" He ended the call before turning back to me and smiling.
" Tony right?" He said reaching to shake my hand.
"Yeah and you are ?"
He shook my hand with a tight grip. Tighter than needed.
"Keith" He said smiling.

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