Chapter 33

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I had noticed that Cecelia was sick... i had sensed it when she urged me to my room when i found out he was okay. She seemed healthy on the outside but i could sense something in her, it didnt seem right. Sort of a bestfriend's intuition i guess. And then i realize.... since Kesachi had came i had ignored Cecelia the entire time! Now i really felt bad. I hope she forgives me! If she didnt then i dont know what i would do! 

She came into my room on that last thought "Hey Uzu...." in her eyes i could tell  something was troubling her. "whats wrong?" i ask. "Oh nothing" she says. I frown but i didnt edge for more. "So how's Kesachi?" i ask suspiciously. She nods "he's doing well, his arm is fine.." I eye her "and you? How are you recovering?" She stares at me surprised "how did yo-" "Bestfriends know all deary." We both look at eachother for a second. And then we obviously burst out laughing our asses off.  Then Blake knocks on the door "you two decent?" Cecelia imidiantly turned serious. "Yeah, come on in!" i exclaim. He clicks open the door and look at us both. "Uzuki, Celestial, i have some news for you two.." By his tone i could tell this wasnt going to be good. "Go on," mumbled Cecelia. "You guys umm.... you're hometown is.... destroyed..."

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