Chapter 27

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Uzuki's POV*

It was dark and for a moment, i couldnt breathe. Then i felt something grab me. My hands are tugged and i feel myself being pulled into a warm embrace. My palm glows and i inspect what is happening. Kesachi was holding me in his arms. I was running low on oxygen but there was no sight of the sun anywhere. I started to freak out, i tried to breathe and flail. He looks at me with large eyes. He pushes me into his face and he kisses me. But i wasnt surprised and i kiss back. A warm feeling pounds in my heart. He pushes his tongue in my mouth and holds the back of my head. He breathes his air into me. It was hard to share air, especially with water trying to break through our kiss.

We finally break away when i feel something tug at my feet. I feel myself being pulled from his grasp. Suddenly we are pulled into a whirlpool. It glowed green and suddenly we were in the middle of a battlefield and a ball of fire whizzed at us.

Celestial CorruptionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora