Chapter 4

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Celestial's POV

I walk in to the living room. 'Uzuki must be in the bathroom' I thought to myself. I notice a picture of my family on the end table. Me, Father, Mother, and my sister, Celine. I don't live with my father. After my Mother and Sisters death he ignored me. He left me with this house and 100,000 dollars a month. This town earned a lot of money surprisingly, maybe because of the temple that if you pray and make a wish it come true? I've tried it and it actually worked! Anyway back on track. My Mother and Sister died in a car crash. I miss Mother and Celine. I wish they were hear. To prevent me crying I grab the picture and flip it downward so I couldn't see it. In doing so I notice a purple Amulet on the floor. I pick it up thinking it was Uzuki's. I walk back upstairs and into my bathroom. My bathroom was pretty big. It had two sinks and a toilet on the left and the shower and bath (separate) I'm the right. The sides were at least 4 meters away from each other. Yeah, I know BIG. On the very end there was a big window. I forgot to close the curtains. So I close the window than take off my towel while walking to one of the sinks. I look in the mirror only to see a figure behind me. It was a man. He looked 20 years old. He had blood red hair, and lighter red tips. His eyes were redish shimmering with orange, Yellow, and black. I turn around, wide eyed. "W-who-" I say but get interrupted by him, "Hush now, there's no need to be afraid. I'm only here to protect you."

He said with a smirk scanning my naked body with a nod. "P-protect me?" I say trying to cover my body. "F-from what?" "Other demons." He said quickly grabbing me on my lower back and placing a finger on my lips. I scream on the top of my lungs as the scars in my back slowly open up.

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