Chapter 14

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Celestial's POV*

I walk through the forest learning about familiars. Turns out each of them have a special talent. "Cool!" I say. I noticed Uzuki wondered off. "None of these animals will each her. Right?" I ask out of concern. "No. All but......" Kairi went silent. "All but what?" I said getting really worried. "Calm down. That dragon Hasn't moved from his den since his last human tried to kill him." Zackery said. "W-what? What dragon?" I say getting frustrated. "Well there's this dragon that lives at the far far end of this cage. It's not very nice. Get close to its den and it will snap your head off." Stella explain doing all kinds of hand motions. "Lead me to it!" I say with confidence. "WHAT?!" Kairi and Zackery say. "Sure!" Stella says with a cool attitude. "But if your head gets ripped off don't blame me!" "B-b-but Stella I-I mean come on! Even the dragon masters failed to tame him!" Kairi complained. "If your so scared don't come. Simple." Stella says. 'I like her smooth attitude'

"B-b-but what if you don't return?!" Kairi exclaimed. "Than I don't! Listen, for as long as that dragon has lived we haven't had a guardian! Maybe she and him will become buddies!" Stella says putting her hand on her hip and flipping her hair. "Besides, if we don't take chances and risks what's the point if living? Do you think that guy who found out about the speed of light always went with what everyone says or do?" Stella says. "Albert Einstein. And.....-sigh- no....." Kairi says giving up. "Than let's go!" Stella cheers. We walk to the den and finally we face the dragon.

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