Chapter 26

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Blake's POV*

Me and Celestial rush to the building. "Stay by my side!" I say to Celestial, "you don't know the enemy like I do." "Got it!" Celestial replies. I know this enemy better than anyone after all, he is my brother. I know it's him because he is the only one that would send Dark Angels to attack the Pure Guardian. I stand in front of Celestial. 'He isn't going to touch her!' I think to myself. The angels attack with their swords in hand. "Close your eyes for a second dear." I say to Celestial "But why?" Celestial questions. "Just do it!" I command. She closes her eyes as I spread my dark angel wings.

Celestial's POV*

I close my eyes as commanded. I hear a noise like a bird flapping their wings. I was curious to look and so I opened my eyes. His his hair was Dark black with hints of white and pink, metal that curled its way under his bright embered eyes, his dark coat covering his neck as he reaches his hand up to his face, holding a cross in his hand as light spurts from it, though no pleasure was shown on his face, for it was dark and grim. He notices me opening my eyes and taking a step back. "Didn't I tell you to close your eyes?" He says in a monotone voice. "S-sorry I didn't mean to-" "Don't worry about it" he interrupted. He stretches his arm out and holds the shinning cross towards the dark angels. The light becomes a ball and it grows bigger and brighter until it reached the charging angels. They screamed violently and disappeared into ashes. I suddenly feel hands around my waist and one around my neck pointing a knife at my left eye. "Blake, my dear younger brother Blake." The voice behind me said. Blake turned around and once he saw who it was his eyes filled with anger. "Let her go!" He commanded. "Ah, ah, ah! I'll let her go on one condition. The you give me ALL of your power and serve by my side forever.. If you don't this woman will be In Shreds." The voice says. "No Blake don't!" I tell struggling. "I could do that or I could defeat you!" He says holding out his cross. "You wanna fight! Fine, but there's a toll." He says as he violently and swiftly cuts my eye with the knife and let's me go and approaches Blake. I scream in pain and fall to my knees. I could no longer see in my left eye. "CELESTIAL!" Blake calls to me and try's to run towards me but his brother stops him. His brother had long white hair and wore a suit along with a cape. "BASTARD!!" Blake yelled and his cross turned into a sword. He charged at his brother and they fought. Everything was going black. I suddenly realize I was bleeding to death. I was just about to give up when Blake rushed to my side, covered in blood, and held me in his arms. He put a hand to my eye and pressed on it. I tried to scream but didn't have enough energy to. All I did was twitch like when you did when you were 5 and cried hard about not getting the toy you wanted. "It will be okay I promise Celestial!" He said. After that I blacked out.

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