Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

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Guys, it's been real! I have so enjoyed working on this story for the past two years. This is my last chapter, but if all goes according to plan, I will most likely do another Mileven story after season 3 comes out. It's so close, guys! Also, I might do other ships and stories about other shows, so stay tuned. I may even start an Instagram fan account where I promote my fanfic and post the newest ST content, as well as edits and fanart. We'll see! If that happens, my Instagram user will be: mike.el_wheeler

This chapter goes out to all my fellow Whovians! I discovered Doctor Who when I was in 6th grade and it totally changed my life. It was the first show I ever really loved besides ones I had seen during my Disney and Nickelodeon days and now, at this point in my life, Stranger Things is for me now what Doctor Who was for me in 6th grade. My best friend and I got even closer because of it and I wouldn't be the fangirl I am today without it. I had anticipated making a whole 'nother story that was a Stranger Things/Doctor Who crossover, but I decided to just use that for one chapter in which The Doctor makes a cameo, since it's already related to time travel. My hope is that even if you've never seen Doctor Who, that you will enjoy the concept of The Doctor's character in relation to the Stranger Things bunch. Also, even if you hate Doctor Who, you won't want to miss this chapter, trust me! Well, without further ado, I present you Stranger Who!

(P.S. As always, feel free to leave a comment. Also, I agree with the fact that lately, my extension of Mike as a character has made him look like the bad guy. This was not my original intention, but I figured that his parents' separation and growing pains might explain some of this. I feel like this chapter shows his more redeeming qualities. Mike is actually my favorite character, I see him as anything but the bad guy. If anything, he's one of the sweetest characters there is, but every character has flaws. I am merely just trying to show that he's going through a rough patch. This chapter in particular shows his reliability and loving nature that we all adore. This may come across like this chapter's more about Doctor Who than Stranger Things based on how much I wrote about it above, but honestly, it's still mainly about post-breakup Mileven, so even if you hate Doctor Who, I think you'll still like this chapter. That being said, here's some brief context for those of you who are unfamiliar with what Doctor Who is about, however, it will be explained more throughout the story: The Doctor is an alien from a planet known as Gallifrey. His species is known as the time lords and he has two hearts, which allows him to regenerate. He is a time traveler, hence the name of his species, who travels in a time machine which is known as the tardis. He often doesn't travel alone, as he prefers to explore time and space with a companion or two. He has been through many hardships, many wars, etc. He is very quirky and witty, but also incredibly intelligent. There are many references laced in here, but everything else is pretty much self-explanatory or directly explained.)

"Mike, this, you & me, I need this to work."

"El, we broke up for a reason..."

"You and I both know that, but Iʼm not ready to let go yet. Iʼm not someone who gives up. You know that better than anyone."

"Thatʼs true, youʼre not."

"So, thatʼs why Iʼm asking you to give this another chance."

"Do you think I like seeing you like this? Donʼt you think it hurts me to see you here all because of something I did? Believe me, I hate this just as much as you do, but itʼs for the best."

"Please, Mike! Letʼs just get back togeth-"

*door opens*

*Doctor comes in*

El's eyelids opened instantly. She found that she was still in a bed, but it was her own rather than a hospital bed. Still a little groggy, she suddenly realized that it was all a dream. But how could that be? she asked herself. It felt so real, but she knew it was just her mind's way of telling her that she missed Mike, though not for much longer, as it was finally here! The day Mike and the boys had been waiting to come for weeks...July 3! Not only was this the week that the new and improved Starcourt Mall was opened to the public, but this day in particular was the day that the new movie Back to the Future would come out. Even before their break-up, Mike had already made sure that El reserve this day to hang out with him, Max, and the boys. He called her at noon to make sure she was still on.

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