Ball's in Her Court

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It was a rainy day in late March, and the gang all met up at school several minutes before class, like usual.

"*yawns and pats mouth* Good morning, guys," said Mike.

"Someone's tired!" said Will.

"Yeah, well I was up late talking to El on the phone..."

Dustin put his arm around Mike and said:

"Look at this stud! I'm so proud.*tousles hair*"

"*laughs and fixes hair* Well, I don't know about that, but thanks, guys."

"Speaking of girls, where's Max?" said Lucas.

"I don't know, shouldn't you know that?" said Dustin.

"Maybe she's skipping..."

"You always assume the worst in her, Mike. Try to lighten up a little, will you?"

"I'm not assuming the worst in her, I'm just saying that she's skipped a couple of times, that's all."

"Yeah, right. *rolls eyes*"

Both boys dropped the matter and made their way to class. Lucas got worried when Max didn't show up for first period. As Mike had predicted, she was indeed skipping. She left a note in Lucas' locker before the boys arrived at school, which fell out when he opened it before second period. He picked it up and looked it over. It read:

Dear Lucas,

I thought that I'd cut class today and go visit El instead. I still haven't seen her new dog yet, plus she wanted me to give her skateboarding lessons at some point. Tell the boys I said hi. Catch you later!



Lucas closed his locker and walked over to Mike before he headed to 2nd. He handed him the note and said:

"Looks like you were right about Max..."

"She's going to El's? That's weird."

"Yeah...*sighs* She just wants to keep her company, I guess."

Lucas then leaned against the locker, holding his backpack straps. He sighed and said:

"She said 'Love, Max' in the note. Should I be worried? We've never said that to each other before..."

"Well, I mean, it's not like she's gonna put 'Sincerely!'"

"I guess you're right."

They went on to class. Meanwhile, Max arrived at El's house. She knocked her special knock on the door and El opened it for her.

"Hi, Max."

"Hey, El."

"Come on in."

*steps in*

"So, where's Eggo?"

"*picks up Eggo* Right here. Say hi, Eggo."


"Aww, she's so cute!"


They played with the dog and ate some snacks. Then, Max turned to El and said:

"Wanna get started?"


"Okay. Let's go then!"

*both hop on bike*

*rides away*

Max turned to El and asked:

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