Somebody Call The Police!

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After Eleven went to the Snow Ball, people in the town started asking questions. Questions like Who's that new kid? Whose daughter is that? Does she even go here? and the list went on and on. Sometimes when Hopper went shopping for groceries, he would hear them talk about her. He wanted to say something, but that would be unnecessary and awkward.

One day, before leaving work, he decided to tell his colleagues.

"I need to see you two in my office."

*both walk into office*

*Hopper shuts door and all sit down*

"What is it, Chief?" asked Powell.

"Well, you remember the girl that supposedly broke into the grocery store, the one that Murray tried to convince us was Russian?"

"Yeah," said Callahan.

"Well, *sighs* I adopted her." said the Chief.

"Say what now?" Powell remarked.

"Look, she's had some issues in the past because she's never had real parents other than Dr. Brenner when she lived at Hawkin's Lab, and all he did was do was use her for dehumanizing science experiments! *pauses* Anyway, it's a long story, but she kind of fell into my hands when she ran away. So, I raised her for about a year and now she's my daughter."

"Wow. I had no idea...We had no idea!" said Powell.

"Yeah, I know, and I'm sorry for keeping it from you, but you can't tell a soul about her past, neither of you. Got it?"

"Got it." they both said.

"Good. Well, anyway, I'll catch you guys later."

On the way home, he remembered her having asked him if she could visit his work, but at the time, things weren't safe enough. Now that the town was safe again and his two closest colleagues knew about her, he decided that he would bring her there to see what he actually did for a living in action. What safer a place than the police station! He figured that this would be the perfect way to civilize her into society, by introducing her to all of his colleagues as his adopted daughter, El.

*knocks on door*

*door unlocks*

*walks toward door to greet him*


"*walks in with hands behind back* Hey. You hungry?"


"Good because I brought you Wendy's!" he said as he pulled the bag out for her to see.

"Yum! Thanks!"

"Sure thing. Why don't you go wash your hands and I'll heat it up!"

"Ok," she said, catching the hand sanitizer she levitated to herself.

"El, you can at least wash your hands manually!"

"*giggles* Sorry, old habit."

Once they both finished, they sat down and each ate their burgers, sharing the fries that he had ordered for the both of them.

"How would you like to come to work with me tomorrow?"

"Really? I thought you said that it was too dangerous."

"At the time you asked it was, but I changed my mind, so how 'bout it?"

"I'd love to!"

"Good. I think you'll like my colleagues a lot."


"Yeah, colleagues are the people that you work with."


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