Bee Mine

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It was May 10, 1985. Once the school day was over, Mike approached Lucas, who was found pacing by the bike rack, anxiously looking at his watch and the door.

"You know if you stare at your watch harder, I'm sure it will change faster!" said Mike.

"Says the guy who called his girlfriend every day for a year!" Lucas said.

"353 Days." Mike corrected.

"*chuckles* Yeah, like that's any better! Stalker much?"

"More like romantic!"

"Whatever. Same difference..."

"You always give me so much crap about El and the way I talk about her, the way I act around her, but you realize you are literally exactly the same way when it comes to Max, right?"

"Am not!"

"Except, the difference is that while I'm awkward, I don't get nearly as flustered as you do."

"Flustered? What are you talking about? I don't get flustered."

"Huh, um, I beg to differ. Snow Ball, last year when you asked Max to dan-"

"Okay. Okay, I see where you're going with this, and it's not going to work."

"Oh, it's not, is it? 'Cause you sure look tense to me."

"What are you two buttheads bitching about now?" said Max, walking over to Lucas.

His eyes widened, not expecting for her to be there so soon.

"Uh, nothing...Nothing. *kisses* How are you?"

"Me? Oh, I'm totally tubular!" she said, as they both laughed.

"Ugh, gag me with a spoon," Mike muttered to himself.

"Hmm, tempting..." said Max.

"Gee, thanks," said Mike, laughing.

"C'mon, let's go," she said.

"Yeah, I'm getting tired of standing here," said Lucas.

"First one to the boathouse wins!" said Mike.

"Wins what exactly?" asked Lucas.

"Um...the losers have to buy the winner the best new comic book in the store."

"You're on, Wheeler!" said Max.

They each raced to the boathouse, with Max in the lead, and Mike and Lucas at a tie. When they came to a part on the trail where trees and bushes had grown over, they had to squeeze through what one would hardly consider an entrance. Max pushed through it first, without a problem, but soon found that Mike was stuck in the bush, calling for her and Lucas' help. Since Lucas was farther back, she knew she had to help him, though she wasn't entirely sure if she could trust him. As she circled back and set her bike aside, she said:

"*sighs* You better not be pulling my leg, Wheeler!"

"I'm not...This branch is! *sighs* It's caught in the hem of my shorts."

"Oh," she said, laughing as she helped him tug it out.

Once Mike was free, Max, now even more eager to win, sped past him, without knowing that Lucas was already ahead of both of them.

Lucas was the first to make it to the boathouse. It was about a minute or so later when Max and Mike finally showed up.

"MADMAX...Just the girl I was hoping to see!"

"Congrats, Stalker!" she said, annoyed.

"Don't act like you're not impressed," said Lucas.

"Oh, we are. Very. *kisses*" she said.

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