Deck the Halls with Jopper Jolly!

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It was December 16, 1984, the day after the Snow Ball. El didn't know how long she was supposed to wait before calling a boy. She didn't know a lot about boundaries, so when she would get bored, she would always think about calling Mike. She was still sweet and shy though, so sometimes she had trouble making the first move.

Mike, on the other hand, couldn't get the night before out of his head. He never thought much of the Snow Ball before he met El, but the fact that his date to the dance was the only person he really wanted to be with made it all worth it. He didn't want to rush anything though because he wanted to give her a chance to come to him.

When a week passed by and neither of them had heard from one another, they both grew hopeless and impatient. Mike sat in her fort and turned on the supercomm.

At the same time, El was at home working on the homework Hopper assigned her before he left for work. She couldn't help but miss the way it felt to be with him. She couldn't help but wonder when she would see Mike again. Since she wasn't allowed to see him without Hopper's permission, she didn't try and leave, though she did think about it. Instead, she decided to turn on the tv noise and visit him, to see what he was up to.

Little did they know that they were both thinking of and trying to visit each other at the same time. He couldn't see her, but she could see him. She walked over to the fort and sat in front of him.

"Hey, El. I tried to do my homework, but-"


"El! Oh, It's so good to hear your voice again...I just wish I could see you face-to-face."

"Me too," she said.

"I had trouble concentrating today...I just couldn't stop thinking about you."

"Really?" she asked with a smile.

"Yes, really."

"How funny, I had the same exact problem."

"Oh, you did now?"


"El, do you know what Christmas is?"


"Good. Well, my mom really wants to get to know you better. She's hosting this Christmas Eve dinner party at our house and she invited you and Hopper. *pauses* You don't have to go really if you don't want to. It might be kinda boring..."

"No, I want to! I wanna see you and your family, but mostly you..."

"*smiles* Okay, great. The guys will be there too, and Max."

"I'm so excited. *pauses* Aww, man, I have to go. I'll see you soon, Mikey Poo!"

"Bye, Ellie P-Yeah, it doesn't really work with your name...I'll come up with something clever later."

"*shakes head, chuckles* Bye, Mike," she said sweetly.

*smiles and takes off blindfold*

[Time-Jump, 8 days]:

It was Christmas Eve, 1984, and all of the boys' families, and Steve, Max, Eleven, and Hopper were going to the party.

Back home, El was scrambling to find the perfect outfit to wear for the occasion, hoping to impress Mike.

She set numerous outfits out on the bed, trying to figure out which one was best. She decided to ask Hopper for a final opinion.

"Which one?" she asked, as she held her two favorites up in the air.

"Definitely the red one."

"Got it. Thanks. *kisses cheek*"

"Glad I could help."

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