Operation Cupid

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It was February 12th, Valentine's Day Eve Eve, and all of the boys were stressing out. Lucas had absolutely no idea what to get Max. She was the kind of person who was always hard to pick a gift out for! She wasn't into the gushy love gifts but still, she was his girlfriend, he had to do something! Will on the other hand, wanted to ask out the girl he danced with at the Snow Ball, but didn't know her name and was incredibly shy when it came to talking to girls in general. Mike, however, had already planned out everything he and El would do together and what he would give her. He wanted to make it special and memorable. Dustin, an adorable, neglected loner, decided to use his charm to his advantage and help the boys out.

"You guys are all so whipped!" said Dustin.

"Are not!"

"Friends don't lie, remember, Lucas?"

"Whatever, I think you're the one that's whipped. You never left Dart's side until we made you! It was getting a little weird, man."

"Oh please! If anyone's whipped, it's Mike. Have you seen the way he looks at El?"

"HEY, I'M RIGHT HERE and it's called love, you mouthbreathers! Look it up!"

*"oohs" come from the boys*

"Damn, Wheeler! With that attitude, you won't even need El to save your ass when Troy tries to hurt you again!"

*all laugh*

The boys headed to the cafeteria and sat down at a table together. Max normally sat with them but she was out sick that day. As Dustin and Lucas talked about what to get Max, Mike started daydreaming about El. As he thought about her lovely brown eyes, the song "Brown Eyed Girl" popped into his head. He decided that he would use it in a mixtape he would make for her. Hopefully, they would even dance to it. He really missed dancing with her! He thought about how good it felt to be with her now, after endlessly thinking about and waiting for her for 353 days. Once he snapped out his daydreaming, he looked over at Will, who was rummaging through the yearbook, trying to find his secret admirer.

"Will, what the hell are you doing?"

"Trying to find that girl."

"Here, let me help you. What grade's she in?"


"Ooh, an older woman!"

"Shut up," he said, chuckling.

"She's taller too!"

*Mike laughs to himself*

"Your point?"

"Oh, nothing...I was just-Wait, is that her?"



"Don't worry, Will. We'll find her!"

"I know...She was just different, you know?"


"I should probably just give up...What are you doing for Valentine's Day?

"I'm gonna take El to Lovers' Lake for a picnic."

"Romeo much?"

*both giggle*

Since they ran out of chocolate pudding in the cafeteria, Dustin headed to the storage closet, where he knew he would find a large supply of pudding cups. A thought occurred to Mike:

"We need to get Dustin a girl, A.S.A.P.!"

"I think all he needs is Dart...okay maybe Steve too," Lucas joked.

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