News Flash! Murray Save Mileven!

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Murray Bauman woke up at precisely 5:30 a.m. and spent most of his day getting ready for his interview at the Hawkins Post Newspaper. Not a lot of people knew Murray well, most people just ignored him or dismissed his crazy theories. What they didn't know was that he used to work for the Chicago Sun-Times, but quit when his family was destroyed as he tried to uncover his biggest story yet...but that was in Chicago, Illinois. This was in Hawkins, Indiana, a much safer area of the midwest, well, if you don't count the demogorgons!

He had been waiting for this day ever since he became a true conspiracy theorist. This was it, he thought. This was the way to get people to listen to him and believe him. Hopper saw to it that no one would ever hire Murray as a private investigator again, so this was his last chance to really get through to people. Though the other journalists were skeptical, they hired him. They were desperate for a new scoop, something, anything...Just some excitement in this town that wasn't related to all the deaths resulting from the loose interdimensional monsters coming from the Upside Down.

Once news of the new news reporter, Murray Bauman, hit the streets, Hopper was naturally pissed as hell. By the time he heard that Murray's first story involved his teenage daughter and her boyfriend, he really lost his shit!

Murray went off of a hunch that there was something going on between Mike and El. He had already invested lots of time into his theory about El being connected to the Russians, but once that rumor was debunked, he decided to learn more about her friends. First, he contacted Nancy, whom he already had on speed dial.

"Hello?" said Nancy.

"Nancy darling, it's Murray, Murray Bauman!"

"Hah, Murray Bauman! It's been a while. Heard that you're a news reporter now, is that true?"

"Yes, in fact, I'm working on my first story right now...That's why I called."


"Yep! So, when can I interview you?"

"Um...Well, I'm free after school, but if you could get me out of fourth period, you'd be my hero!"

"Writing your teacher a note as we speak...I've got to motor on over in that area of town anyway!"

"Great! So, what am I even being interviewed about?"

"I can't say...I can't risk the government listening in on our conversation and using it against me! Those CNN reporters will steal my story like it's there job!"

"*laughs* Well, if it's that important, I don't think I'd be of much help..."

"It's related to you my dear, just trust me, and remember, I'm getting you out of class!"

"Right, right! Thank you...Okay, I'm sorry, one last question..."


"Didn't you banish me and Jonathan from your house last time we came?"

"I don't recall...but how 'bout you bring him along too? I could use his input as well...assuming you two are still together."

"Not that it's any of your business, Murray, are kind of the reason we got together in the first place, but yes, we are still together and I will ask him."

"Splendid! Well, you better be going to school now! Toodles!"

"By-*gets hung up on*"


She then called Jonathan and got him on board. Around that same time, Murray met the two at school to hand them their notes and a few hours later, they drove to his house for their interview.

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