|1| The Coldness of Dudley

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I slowly traced the V that was branded into my left arm just a few weeks ago as it left a vivid reminder of what happened last school year.. the death of Cedric Diggory and my future getting signed away to the man who killed my mother. I slowly looked up from my arm to see my cousin Dudley and his gang of friends picking on a kid that was in their grade... i shook my head as it reminded me of the heated arguments between my brother Harry and Draco's group of friends at Hogwarts. "Hey Dudley, leave to poor boy alone" i yelled as i stood up from the swing i was sitting at. "Pick someone your own size" Dudley slowly turned around and gave me a small evil look. "What are you going to do about it" said Dudley as he crossed his arms. As his friend kept on pestering the poor muggle boy.. "you know what I can do Dudley. Act bloody stupid" I responded to my cousin as I pointed down at my left shoe, where my wand was hidden just in case i need it. "You wont use it" Dudley responded in confidence as his friends let the muggle boy go. As the boy ran off, Dudley's friends turned to face towards me as well. "Watch me, Dudley" I responded, i reached for my wand as Dudley friends watched in confusion. I drew my wand and pointed towards Dudley. "Dudley, why did your cousin took a stick out of her shoe.. is she mental" asked Piers who was a bit taller then Dudley, with hair that reminded me of Harry messy hair. Dudley ignored what his friend had asked. "Come on, you wont do it! Your to soft" yelled Dudley as he gave me a grin. I ran towards my cousin with my wand still in hand. As I got closer to Dudley, I dug my wand into his chest. "I could say the word and you cold be dead" i said coldly. The wind started to pick up, clouds started to move in as the hot temperature dropped quickly. "Dudley we should go.. a storm is coming in" said on of his friends as his hand was on his shoulder. "Eileen, what in the bloody hell are you doing" said Dudley as the wind started to pick up even more. "Im not doing anything" I responded as i put my wand back into my shoe where i would know it was safe. "Lets go guys" yelled Piers. All of Dudleys friends ran off as we both stood in the middle of the playground.. everyone was leaving besides us.
"Dudley we should definitely go" i told Dudley as we both looked up at the sky. "You started this! Can't you make it stop" asked Dudley as he looked at me with concerned look. "I told you Dudley! I didn't do anything, I can't stop anything that I didn't start" I responded. "Lets go back to your house".
"Fine! Lets go before we get stuck in this bloody storm of yours" responded Dudley as he ran into the open field that lead to the bridge that we needed to go under to get back to number 4 private Drive. "Last time Dudley, I didn't make this bloody storm" i yelled as i started to run towards Dudley as the rain began to come down. Dudley can run for a person his size, i'm surprised he hasn't made bulling a sport of his.
Dudley made it under the bridge to catch his breath.. as i got under the bridge i was Soaking wet from the pouring rain that was going on. "Bloody hell, this is why i stick to quidditch" i responded as i ringed out the bottom of my tee shirt. My quidditch robes where made water proof thanks to uncle Lucius donating the robes thanks to Draco's attempt to joining the quidditch team. "What's quidditch" asked Dudley as a cold chill started to come threw the bridge underpass. "Ill explain to you later" I responded as i looked down at my feet to see the water slowly turn into an ice patch... like the glass of water did back on the train during the start of my third year. "Dementors" i said softly to myself. "What did you say" asked Dudley as he turned around to look at me. "Dudley run" i yelled as i took drew my wand back out from my shoe.. but i was to late, the dementors where already here. The dark figures floated into the under pass of the bridge as the temperature dropped even more. "Eileen wh-" Dudley started to say but he was cut off by the dementors.. Dudley couldn't see the dementors since he was just a Muggle. "Bloody hell" i said as i started to panic as there was two dementors in front of me, one was dealing with Dudley while the other slowly floated towards me.
Under age magic.. was the only choice i had here, i don't want to take the life less body of my cousin back to his parents who treated me and Harry like garbage growing up.. I would rather bring them back a Unconscious Dudley.
I pointed my wand in front of me and gained my voice back from me thinking to myself.
"Expecto Patronum!" I yelled as a blue sliver line came out of my wand to slowly form a thestral that quickly ran into the dementors that pushed them both from the under pass of the bridge. Dudley hit the floor with a thud, he was knocked out cold from the dementor. I slowly made my way to my cousin who was half my size.. "Now how am i going to get you back to your house with out using magic" i asked myself as I look down at my cousin who laid at my feet.

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