everything eventfull, and unfortunately uneventful

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Everything seemed to go smoothly for Rachel as she continued working for Harker. There were days of course that things did not. However, those days were very few ,and were no conflicts with him, regrettably there were quite a few with Miss Quinnlyn. Although most of them were directed at Harker's ego, and financial status. somehow she somehow  managed to drag Rachel into it. Most of the time the complaints were why Rachel was aloud to use the limousine why she ate out at whichever restaurant she chose, when she was out running errands, and most importantly, since she was his girlfriend, why wasn't Rachel doing her shopping and running her errands
After a short time, as well as enough of her objections, he finally gave her a list of reasons why.
"I am paying her , you and I are not married, and once again, she works for me not you.", He reiterated, which seemed to keep her objections at bay.
One morning, about three months later five lives would change. Three of them would be brought together, two would be torn apart, one would escape without a scrape, and the other although mildly damaged, but it would be permanent.
On a stormy morning in july, Rachel woke up to the sound of thunder, and pouring rain. Since Harker had to be at the studio early that morning, , he had told her that she didn't have to be at the house until ten thirty, eleven . However, since Larson drove him, to the set, she had to drive herself  to the house.  After , she got dressed, and ate early lunch, she got ready to leave, she slipped on her rain coat, grabbed her umbrella, and headed out for the day
As she drove the on ramp to the free way that would take her from santa Monica to Los Angels, she noticed that something didn't feel quite right with her left front tire. While she held the wheel tight, the tire blew. Fortunately she was able to maintain control, but she turned her four ways on, and pulled over
When she put the car in park. She turned her head around to the hack back windshield,  and noticed that another car had pulled up behind her.she wasn't scared, but grateful, that someone had come to help.  A few moments later an older dark haired la  got out of her car, and came around to the drivers side of Rachel's car.

"Are you ok?,", She asked, standing beside Rachel who was still inside her car.
"I'm ok.", Rachel said through the window, assuring her, and motioned for the young lady to stand back, so she could step out.
    Once the lady moved to the back of the car, Rachel walked around to look at the back of the car.
"Great.', she moaned , sarcasticly looking at her blown tire.
She shook her head , stopped and looked at the lady who was standing there.
"Thank you for stopping. " she said greatful that there was someone else there
"Do you need to use my phone?,"
"Thank you, but no. I've got mine ." She said , as she walked back over to the drivers side ,  opened the car door reached in and took her phone off of the passenger seat  and put it in her pocket.
The older lady nodded.
"I can wait with you until help comes." She offered.
"Please.", Rachel implored, as she straightened up,  and turned to face the lady .
Again the older lady nodded.
The rain had let up for a moment, but they went back to the other car. Once Ranchel opened the passenger side door, and sat in the seat, the other woman opened the drivers side door, and slipped in.
Rachel took out her phone, from her coat pocket, and decided to call her boss first .
"Hi Harker. It's Rachel I know what time you are supposed to be back, but I wanted to let you know that I may be a bit late getting to work . My tire blew, before I reached the on ramp, and I'm getting ready to call the the towing service ", She explained.
When she was done leaving the message, she scrolled through the contacts on her phone, and called the tow truck.
Before she hung up she told the dispatcher to call her number back if he needed anything , not her husband's cell. When she was done, hung up the phone and
stuck it back into her coat pocket.
The dark haired lady turned and smiled at Rachel.

"You are Mr. Harquin's assistant?", she asked surprised, raising her right eyebrow.
"well about the third or fourth one , but that's correct."

, Rachel confirmed with a sigh.

the personal assistant Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang