Meeting Harker Again

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At Seven thirty am on morning Rachel woke up, stretched, and went over to her walk in closet. She had checked the weather for the day the night before. It was going to be ninety five, and humid. Her brother in law had said to wear a nice blouse and slacks, but instead she chose a white rayon dressy tank top, with scalloped lacing around the collar and a pair of black dress capri pants and slipped her black rimmed glasses on, that she grabbed off of her night stand.  Since everyone was still sleeping, including the three  dogs, she tipped toed down stairs. Once she reached the kitchen, Rachel picked up her over sized black designer sunglasses, that were in the case, off of the island , stuck them in her purse, and then slipped the bag over her right shoulder. She decided to go outside. After she opened and shut the front door, Rachel sat on the swing as she waited for Larson
When he arrived , he got out of the vehicle, went around to the passenger side, opened the door, and waited for her to come off of the porch, and get in.

He could tell that she was nervous so he assured her that she would be fine.
"He is expecting you, and he sounds rather excited. ", He added, smiling.
She didn't quite know how to react to that . However, she had just remembered something that could be important and could also impact her job
"What if he remembers me from the hotel", she asked concerned.
"No offense I doubt he will. He has to much going on in his life, and if it's about the  incident, all he saw was the name tag on her that said Rachel. He didn't know that
it wasn't you .",He paused a moment,
"There are a few other women in Las angels with the name Rachel. He affirmed.
Before she responded, his cellphone rang. Its was Harker.
He stuck opened his mouth and
said "Shh. ", Before he answered the call on speaker. "We are about ten minutes out.", He said not giving him a chance to speak and hung up.
As they approached the house, Rachel turned to face it  t wasn't quite the bungalow, that Larson had described,   but a small mansion.
After he parked the car, he got out, walked around to the passenger side, opened the door, and reached his hand inside for her to take.
"You will be fine.", he told his sister in law , as she took it, and stood up.
She smiled, as she stood beside him.
They walked in together, and once they stood in front of the door, she was relieved  that he had not been waiting to greet them.
Without knocking, Larson opend the door and went in first.
The foyer where they stood was empty However, they could hear Harker and Cassidy arguing in a room just off to the left.
"They are your friends to. I don't see why you won't help them!", she complained.
"They have good jobs and places to stay and when they stay here they wreck the place!", He argued back. "I'm tired of coming home and having to pick up after them. ",
"That's why we have a house keeper. ", She declared.
"This isn't a we, You don't live here.", He said pointedly, and reminded her. "It's bad enough that she picks up after you, when you are here. MY MAID!", (He emphasized. )should not have to pick up after your friends!",
"Our friends.", Cassidy corrected Harker.
"They are never here when I am home, so they are not our friends they are yours!". He re corrected her.
He stopped and waited for her to retaliate. However, she did not, but instead she calmed down, and walked over to him. When she stood facing him she slipped her arms around his waist. As he gave in, and drew her close to him, she spoke.
"Oh Harky I'm sorry." She cooed in a little girly voice.
They were both unaware that although Larson and Rachel weren't right where they were, they could hear the discruntal discussion that turned into a calm conversation. They had not been amused until she called him Harky.
"Harky. Really?",Rachel snickered, as she looked at her brother in law.
"Yes. ", He said as he rolled his eyes, in annoyance. "That's her nickname for him. she use it when she is trying to convince him to do something that he doesn't want to do or get something for her that she wants , that is something that she really doesn't need."
"Does it work?", she inquired curiously
"Sometimes. Mostly no. She means to be affectionate with it, but occasionally it comes off condescending, sometimes she treats him like a child or a helpless elderly man when she calls him that.", He admitted.
" I can understand that. The way she says it is exactly what you said."
"Yes, but she thinks she is being affectionate, so he lets it slide, and gives in . He paused a moment, " I just usually end up hearing how he really feels after she's gone". He explained, with a downcast sigh in his voice.
Rachel nodded, However, before she could react, the door to the study opened.
Cassidy walked out ahead of Harker. As she stood in front of Rachel and Larson, Rachel noticed that despite what she had just been told by her Brother in law , The tall ' slim Woman was dressed very casually. Her knee length black two inch heeled boots, fit nicely over a pair of skinny jeans. A plain cotton red tee shirt, with a waterfall hem, draped perfectly, just reaching her waist.
As she looked at her, Rachel quietly chastised to herself, for thinking that she  would be dressed very inappropriately.
A few seconds later, Harker came into the hallway.
He was also dressed casually, and very simple. He wore a plain white short sleeved tee, that although loose fitting, aloud for a little bit of his chest muscles to be accentuated. A pair of black leather loafers, peaked out from his loose fitting jeans.
"Well Harker, my dear, I've got a photo set this morning, and lunch with one of the girls, I will see you at supper. ", She announced, as she moved closer to him, and kissed him quickly on the cheek.
"I love you.", He said, sincerely, when she pulled away. Instead of returning his sentiment, she smiled, and winked.
As she walked by Rachel, she took a moment to stop and look her over from bottom to top ,without caring how uncomfortable Rachel felt.
Cassidy was unimpressed.
When she finished, Cassidy looked directly into Rachel 's face. As hard as she found it to do, Rachel smiled sweetly.
She had not expected a smile from her boyfriend's new female assistant, maybe a scowl, but certainly not a smile.

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