old wounds, and new

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"It's been long enough. " Larson said. " Let me make sure Ash is sleeping. He doesn't need to be around while you and I discuss this. ", He said as they turned and walked into the hallway
Ashton had fallen asleep on the couch, so Harker and Larson walked into the study, and closed the door behind them.
Before he began his story, he went behind the bar , took a glass from the shelf inside the back, sat it on the top, and took a bottle of whiskey from another shelf underneath the bar.
As he poured himself a glass he asked Harker if he would like a drink, when he refused , he said ..
"You might need this , before i am finished, if not you will need it when I am done.", He warned , after he stopped pouring, put the bottle on the bar, and closed it with the cap.
"I'll wait.", He said, as he moved over to the bar stool, sat in front of Larson.
He nodded, then took a drink. Once he replaced the drink on the bar top, he began.
"Rachel and Mark went to school together. He proposed to her the night of their senior prom, and were married about a year later. "
"About a year later, Ashton was born. Everything seemed to be going fine. He continued.
"He has always loved her, and he has always showed her that he loved her . He trailed off for a moment, as he tried to figure out how to explain the rest . However, before he proceeded, Larson finished his drink and poured himself another one. "She had an affair. "
"With who?", Harker asked, stunned.
"Who do you think?", he asked sarcastically.
He didn't know what to say.
"Serously?", Larson asked in disbelief.
Harker shrugged his shoulders.
"Me. "
The only thing Harker could do was stare, but then alot of what had been going on between the three of them finally made sense.
"Mark's sense of humor is not always the best. His intent with humor was to make her laugh, but it didn't always. " somethings were said that she took offense to. I'm not going to get into it." He also always showed her affection, but he never told her how beautiful, she is. Although he thought she was he never told her, but there were situations when they were around other women, one or two were her friends. That he had no problem telling them, in front of her. He had no idea how much impact it had on her . He paused a moment, and reached for the drink, but he pulled back, and talked on. "One afternoon, while he was at work, I stopped by to borrow something of his. She opend the door when I knocked. I could tell that she had been crying, so I walked her over to the couch in the living room, and sat down with her.
As she explained, she began to cry. Before I knew it she fell against me, and her head was on the top of my shoulder. It's no secret that I had a crush on her. However, I respected my brother, but I couldn't control myself. ", He explained embarrassed. " when she pulled away from me, I tried to kiss her. I wanted her so bad, and since she was angry and volunabral, she let me. That was all the further we got because Mark came home, and caught us ."
He didn't give me a chance to explain that I was responsible, instead he told me to leave. I'm not sure what happened after that . I just know that a few days later, it was as if nothing had happened ." He said, then drank.
" So she was depressed, because he complimented other women, but not her, and tried to have an affair with you, because she was depressed. "
"No. All she wanted was for me was to listen, maybe say something to my brother. Instead, I took advantage of her.", He corrected in a shame filled tone. " I don't think that is why they got divorced. " He thought for a moment. "You should be able to understand. "
" why? " Harker asked, confused.
" Everytime you tell Cassidy that you love her, she never says it back. I know that you love her. It's a shame that your feelings are wasted on her ",He said with pity in his voice. However, Harker ignored it.
" I think they were just through. He said. " I've talked to both of them, separately , and they agree the car accident was a sign to call it quits "
" I don't understand why she is seeing some one who cheats on her ", He said confused. "It's not any different that everyone thinks that Cassidy doesn't love me, so I can understand. "
Larson shook his head, and then came out from behind the bar, and stood in front of Harker.
"No you can't. " He said dryly. "She is punishing
>herself for something that wasn't solely her fault. She was afraid that when Mark left bad karma would find it's way back to her, and she would be cheated on by any other man she dated. " He paused. "So instead of waiting for the wheels of the Karma bus that go round and round, she saught someone out that she would fall in love with , that she knew would cheat on her, and put that person in the driver's seat, so the wheels on the bus would go round and round, and keep running her over. The distinction between her and her boyfriend and you and Cassidy, is that she went purposely looking for him, knowing exactly what he would do. She feels that she deserves to be hurt. As for you and Cassidy, you are to blind to see that she doesn't love you, as much as you love her. And that Harkey,", He said mockingly. "Is the difference ." He finished, and walked to the doors .
"So when they got divorced, why didn't you go after her?" He asked, thinking it was an innocent question.
" I really shouldn't answer that question." Larson thought to himself. He was appalled. However, since Harker really wanted an answer, he gave him one.
"It's bad that I ruined both of their lives once I would never do that to them again. It would be adding further insult to injury, to them."He he exclaimed. . "I hurt both of them once, and I will not do it again. "
instead of acknowledging him, He said
"She could have stopped you ."
" You should should learn to live in the real world Harker, where people screw up and make mistakes ", He said without looking back and clenching his teeth, as he opened the doors, and walked through them .

the personal assistant Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora