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Y/n's p.o.v.

I get up and stretch my wings and fold them lightly at my back. I didn't want them to go away just yet. I'm being lazy after what I did yesterday. I get out of bed and leave the other two sleeping. I look at my watch and yawn. It's six thirty in the morning. I go to the bathroom and start to brush my teeth. I glance up at my reflection and sigh as I gaze at my golden eyes. I just continue brushing my teeth. Not looking at myself in the mirror for the rest of the time I spend in the bathroom. I finish brushing my teeth and brush my hair then I go into the kitchen and see the mess all three of us made last night. I miracle it away and make some coffee. I lean against the counter and rub my eyes tiredly. Then I feel two arms around my waist. I just lean backward and sigh. My back resting against one of my husbands. I yawn and shut my eyes as I wait for my coffee to be done. "You're still tired after last night Love?" Aziraphale asks. I nod and turn around to hug him and listen to his heart beat. "I never knew how much dirt celestial beings could bring in. I knew it was way less that humans. But damn, that was a lot" I mumble into his chest groggily. He chuckles and rubs my back softly. I almost purr at the loving touch. Then my trance was broken by a string on unholy curses. "MOTHERFUCKER, SHIT FACED, FUCKING ASSHOLE, I HOPE YOU DIE!!!" Azzy and I break apart and rush into the bedroom where Crowley was chasing a spider that had landed on him. He looked ready to spit fire at the poor creature. I chuckle and walk up to the spider and let it crawl into my hand. I coo at it as I walk past Crowley to show him it is all okay. He looks at it and screams as he practically crawls up on Aziraphale's head. I laugh and open up a window to let it crawl out on the ledge. Then I shut the window with a sigh. I rub my cheeks and go back into the kitchen so I can check on my coffee. I noticed the pot was done and poured myself a cup. I make it just like I like it and sit down on the couch and pull my feet close to me. My eyes scan the living room to see if there is anything I can read or do for a bit but find nothing. I sigh and slump against the arm of the couch. I sip my coffee slowly and let the caffeine flow into my veins for more energy to get things that need to be done today, done. Aziraphale walks in with Crowley attached to his hip like a scared child. I chuckle and sigh once they sit down next to me. I close my eyes for just a moment. 'why do I feel so useless? Why do I feel like I don't deserve this life? I feel so... So much like a depressed mortal feels' my eyes shoot open quickly at that thought. I look down and pinch my belly slightly. Then I look up at Aziraphale who was calming down Crowley from his traumatic experience. "Guys?" I ask softly. They both look at me and I blush. "A-am I f-fat?" I ask adverting my gaze. I hear them both gasp and I'm instantly pulled into their laps. "Don't you ever say that! You're beautiful!" "I asked if I was fat... Not ugly" I say smugly. Aziraphale chuckles "Darling, look at me" he says motioning to his gut. I sigh and look at him sadly. "You are who you are. We love you for you" he says placing a gentle kiss on my lips. Smile slightly and Crowley grabs my face and kisses me deeply. I moan and close my eyes as I kiss him back. He pulls away and licks the rest of the salvia off my lips. "Don't ever doubt yoursssself. Or I'll make ssssssure that you sssssee how beautiful you really are" he says hissing a bit. Meaning he's serious. I nod and go back to drinking my coffee. ' I'm going to have to test that sometime' I think to myself with a small smirk.

Crowley x Reader x AziraphaleWhere stories live. Discover now