Morning Of The Last Day

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Aziraphale's p.o.v.

I wake up stretching and smiling brightly. The dream I had last night was amazing. It had the two people I love most in it. It was erotic but I enjoyed it. I get up and miracle myself dressed and clean. I look over to see Crowley still asleep. I fold my wings and smile softly. But then I see that Y/n isn't in bed. I hear soft humming coming from the other room and follow it, to find that Y/n is cooking breakfast. I blush as I remember my dream last night. I clear my throat and she turns to greet me with a smile. She's wearing a f/c apron that says 'kiss the cook' I blush as she smirks and taps her cheek slightly. "The apron says it" I bite my lip and nod. I walk over to her and kiss her cheek. She giggled and continues cooking. I go and sit at her dining table and lay my head in my arms on the table.

Crowley's p.o.v.

I yawn and fold my wings as I get up. I think about the dream I had last night. I smirk as I hear her singing softly. I saunter into the kitchen and see she's cooking. I walk up to her and lean against the counter. She turns to me and taps her cheek. I look at her apron and smirk. I grab her face softly and kiss her lips softly. I pull away and see she's blushing madly. I chuckle and start to turn away, when I feel something flat and metal connect painfully to my ass. I yelp and turn around to glare at her but she has already turned back around and started to plate food. I sneer and turn to go to the kitchen table. She glides out soon after with food and a smile on her perfect face. She sits the steaming plate of eggs, bacon, pancakes, and toast out in front of both of us. "Armageddon is upon us. The hound should be arriving" she chirps with what is clearly forced enthusiasm. I nod and strat to eat. Aziraphale had already started to eat his. "This is very good darling" he says after swallowing his mouthful of food. I nod in agreement. I feel sort of awkward because my of dream. I mean I'll never be able to have my Angel. He is of heaven and we can't be together. I can't have my Princess because she royalty and would never love me. I shiver as I think about it. "Crowley, hun are you cold?" Y/n asks as she moves a bit closer and wraps a beautiful golden wings around my shoulder. Aziraphale does the same with his snow white one. I smile trying to act cool. She giggles and clears out plates when we're done. I watch her walk away. More or less I watch her ass as she walks away. I turn to glance at Aziraphale and notice he was watching too. I smirk slightly. "She has a nice ass doesn't she?" I whisper in his ear. His face turns beat red and he jerks his wing from around me. I chuckle and he opens his mouth to say something but thinks better of it. I chuckle again and lean back in the chair. Today I feel is going to be a tad bit interesting.

Crowley x Reader x AziraphaleWhere stories live. Discover now